Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, June 16, 2021
For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.
Finance Committee Minutes 6-16-21 with Attachments
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.
Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Commission Meeting Room
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 3:00 PM
Bob Duncan, Committee Chairman
Charles Cook, Commissioner
Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director
Ben Turnipseed, Commission Chairman
LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Executive Director
Frances Wilson, Accounting Manager
Christa Free, Procurement Coordinator
Tripp Stephens, Commissioner
Committee Chairman Duncan called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.
Chairman Duncan opened the Public Comment Period.
There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Committee Chairman Duncan closed the Public Comment Period.
- Minutes from the May 19, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve the minutes from the May 19, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting. Motion carried 2-0-1 (Commissioner Stephens was absent from the meeting).
- Contract Award – Bergen Woods Offsite Improvements – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs presented Invitation for Bid No. 21-023 Bergen Woods Offsite Improvements, which was released on Thursday, May 6, 2021. The scope of work for this project includes installation of approximately 2,900 LF of 8-inch HDPE sanitary sewer force main along SR25 (Golden Isles Parkway) and connection to an existing JWSC sanitary sewer manhole located on Cate Road. Four bids were received Tuesday, June 8, 2021, with Georgia Asphalt Producers being the apparent low bidder at $282,151.00. Due to timing coordination with other JWSC projects, the contract period for this project will be 60 days.
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to move that the Finance Committee recommend to the full Board of Commissioners that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission enter into a contract for the Bergen Woods Offsite Improvements with Georgia Asphalt Producers, LLC in the amount of $282,151.00 Motion carried 2-0-1 (Commissioner Stephens was absent from the meeting).
- FY 2022 Rate Resolution – L. Roberts
Ms. Roberts presented the rate resolution for FY 2022. The resolution sets the rates and charges necessary to support the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 JWSC budget. The user rates for water and sewer use are the same for fiscal year 2022 as they were for fiscal year 2021. There is one revision to the document as the addition of two line items in Appendix “B”, which allows Planning and Construction staff to differentiate sewer inspection activity associated with demolition versus new construction.
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Finance Committee recommend the full Commission to approve the Rate Resolution for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Motion carried 2-0-1 (Commissioner Stephens was absent from the meeting).
- Financial Statements Month End May 31, 2021 – F. Wilson
Mrs. Wilson presented the financial statement for the month ending May 31, 2021. She reviewed the Balance Sheet with the Committee, and highlighted current assets such as Accounts Receivable, and current liabilities, for example, Customer Deposits Payable. Mrs. Wilson also briefly reviewed line items on the Combined Revenue Statement, Project Report, and Reserves. She noted that a line had been added to the Financial Report to show long term GEFA loan payments. There are currently two JWSC projects funded by GEFA loans, the Meter Replacement project and the Academy Creek WPCF Rehabilitation.
Committee Chairman Duncan asked if there were any other items to discuss.
There being no further business, Chairman Duncan adjourned the meeting at 3:26 p.m.