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Wesley Oaks Circle Survey Notice – May 07, 2021

The Brunswick – Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission (BGJWSC) has initiated a water distribution improvements project to rehabilitate/replace the existing water mains located in Wesley Oaks Circle in St. Simons Island, Georgia.,

The completion of this project will assist in achieving the goal of completing water system upgrades within the Wesley Oaks Subdivision on St. Simons Island, Georgia. This will result in important and necessary improvements to the reliability and efficiency of the system.

Beginning May 7th, 2021, crews contracted by the BGJWSC will begin to survey the project area and enter upon property easements to collect data required for the project. The survey will be conducted by Shupe Surveying and is expected to take approximately 30 days to complete.

The survey crews will do the following while on site:

1.      Establish horizontal and vertical control for the project area. Horizontal datum shall be based on the Georgia State Plan, East Zone, and NAD83. Vertical datum shall be based on NAVD88. Provide a minimum of three (3) NGS B-order (or higher) station shall be connected for the horizontal network and minimum three (3) third-order (or higher) bench marks shall be connected for the vertical network in accordance with Rule 180-7-.04(2) of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia – Department 180. The locations shall be coordinated with the JWSC. Survey control maps, ASCII point files and copies of survey field notes will be provided.

2.      Locate all property corners, easements and road right-of ways. Provide name(s) of property owner(s), parcel ID numbers, etc in those areas affected by the work.

3.      Provide boundary and topographic survey of entire proposed project area. Provide cross sections with spot elevations at a maximum grid interval of 100-foot.

4.      Locate all visible improvements such as building, fences, permanent signs, sidewalks, curb and gutter, edge of pavement, driveways, mailboxes, and other structures located on the property or within 10 feet outside the right-of-way line, if accessible.

5.      Locate existing water lines (if any) with pipe sizes, water meters, valves, vaults, fire hydrants, etc.

6.      Locate existing sewer lines (if any) and indicate pipe size. Locate sanitary sewer manholes and provide top and invert elevations.

7.      Locate Private and Public Utilities – miscellaneous underground and overhead utility lines and above ground utilities indicators including gas, power, telephone, cable TV, fiber-optic, etc.

8.      Locate existing storm structures (swales/ditches, curb inlets, drop inlets, catch basins, junction boxes, and headwalls) and pipes. Provide pipe size, invert elevation, grate elevations, etc.

9.      Locate trees within the right-of-way.

10.  Identify discrepancies or conflicts in boundaries, any visible encroachments, and any portion of the property within the 100-year floodplain by graphical plotting only, as shown on the current Federal Emergency Management Agency map.

If you have any questions regarding the details of the project, please feel free to contact Harry Patel, BGJWSC assistant engineer, at 912-261-7125.