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Planned Water Outage for Repairs – Postell Drive, Wesley Oaks Drive and Adjacent on SSI – Thursday, August 5, 2021

Planned Water Outage

In order for BGJWSC staff to complete maintenance upgrades in the area, water service will be intermittent from at or about 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 5, 2021 for service connections on Postell Drive, Wesley Oaks Drive and adjacent streets.

Once service has been restored, a precautionary boil water advisory may be issued until 24 hours following the last point of repair. Please subscribe to receive emergency updates via text message, email or phone call if this advisory becomes necessary.

The map below details the impacted area:

For more information on the project, please contact Jay Sellers at 912.261.7123 or Customer Service at 912.261.7100.