Human Resources Committee Minutes – February 4, 2016
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from February 4, 2016:
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
John Cason, Chairman
Allen Booker, County Commissioner
Donald Elliot, Commissioner
Thomas Boland, Acting Exec. Director
Ronald Perry, Commissioner
Clifford Adams, Commissioner
John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer
Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director
Amy McKim, Teamworks, Inc.
Daphne Gable, Teamworks, Inc.
Catina Tindall, First Coast Benefits Solution
Chairman Cason called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.
There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Cason closed the Public Comment Period.
Minutes of the January 7, 2016 Human Resources Committee.
Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the January 7, 2016 meeting. Motion carried 2-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was not present).
Renewal Health Insurance Provider Services – D. Gable and C. Tindall
Catina Tindall, First Coast Benefit Solutions, presented the background and changes to the insurance for JWSC employees. It was stated the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia as the Health Insurance plan provider under a fully funded, no rebate plan. It was noted in the memorandum that BC/BS was given all opportunity to retain the business but instead believed the long history of claims was poor and they did not counter an offer when Cigna rates were presented. BGJWSC moved to a level self-funded plan with Cigna which provided an immediate savings of $97,000 and the opportunity to share in savings of a potential rebate. It was noted that if BGJWSC does not renew with Cigna the proposed $81,000 will not be received. In 2015 the claims were less than premiums vs. claims. Of the 8 carriers who agreed to consider a quote and offer an adequate network of doctors/hospitals, only 6 offered competitive quotes and of those six, 3 offered lower cost plans to the current plan. The options and rebates were discussed. It was noted that a survey was conducted by TSI to the BGJWSC plan participants to garner feedback on Cigna’s service and other health care offerings. The feedback between Cigna vs. BC/BS was basically split. There was additional discussion on the employees participation in the wellness program. The physicals were discussed and the locations like AppleCare vs. Urgent Med One. Once the Insurance Provider is approved there will be a kick-off campaign for wellness and physicals.
Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland that the BGJWSC accept the proposal from Cigna to renew the existing insurance policy by moving it to the full Commission for approval. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Job Positions: Executive Director, Deputy Director, Financial Analyst – Chairman Boland
Chairman Boland discussed the new positions and recommended they be placed at the same time as the Executive Director. It was discussed to run the advertisements for 30-45 days and have the applications distributed to the commissioners for review. There was further discussion regarding the budget for 2016-2017 fiscal year and the process of interviewing and hiring through Teamworks, Inc. The job descriptions will be posted on the website an at the Administration building.
Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to move to the full Commission for approval to add the positions of Deputy Director and Financial Analyst to the organizational chart and establish the positions in the 2016-2017 Financial Budget and for TSI to begin the hiring process. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Employee Assistance Programs – Daphne Gable, TSI
Daphne Explained that BGJWSC has an EAP program available to all employees at no additional cost. This is offered through Blue Cross/Blue Shield and is separate and apart from the Insurance Provider previously discussed. The flyer provided was discussed and noted that this plan offers face to face visits and counseling, legal or financial planner, and is 100% confidential. There is no report given to TSI on who may use the services or even how many employees may take advantage of the EAP program. It was recommended to provide this information to all staff and be sure the managers offer to staff.
Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to add items #4 and #5 to the agenda for discussion of Employee Evaluations and Employee Salary Adjustment / Overtime Policy. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Payroll Debit Card / Checking Automatic Deposit – J. Donaghy
John reported to the Committee on the benefits to develop a plan through BB&T to provide payroll in the form of debit cards. There will be benefits to using debit cards and can be offered to the non-banking employees. It was noted there is a payment card service agreement that will need to be viewed by legal counsel. There was further discussion regarding the requirement to have a checking account in some places of employment. It was tasked for TSI to look into further and review if enforcing an electronic payroll is legal. John stated that of the 127 employees paid, 23 receive an actual check, 63 receive a check stub and 44 have gone full electronic. Those who have direct deposit with not paper copy can access their paystubs via TSI website. It was recommended to place on next Human Resources agenda after follow up. All agreed.
Development Retirement / Pension Plan Committee – Commissioner Cason
There was discussion regarding the development of a pension committee that is a mixture of employees and commissioners. They could perform quarterly updates and have a GMA Representative come and discuss with the employees. It was tasked for Amy to contact GMA and have a GMA briefing. Commissioner Cason stated he recommended Randy Logan to advise us on how to form a pension committee. Additional discussion could be the Newport Group to meet with the employees.
Employee Evaluations – Chairman Boland
Commissioner Boland explained the challenge of the employee evaluations and that many are behind. He continued that he is working hard with the superintendents and managers to complete before the new Executive Director arrives. He asks that the Human Resources Committee look at ways to change the form. TSI is also working on updating the form to make it more streamlined and provides monthly reports to supervisors for upcoming evaluations due.
Employee Salary Adjustment / Overtime Policy – Chairman Boland
Commissioner Boland addressed the employee salary adjustment and overtime policy. He continued stating that overtime has not been monitored and has found people are working too long hours. It is being closely monitored now and it is understood that this has been addressed with those employees. The other item is the 2.5% increase on a yearly basis when employees are rated on evaluations. It was noted that part of the budget process establishes a salary bucket where divisional superintendents control it. Commissioner Boland suggested a review of the evaluation system and be clearer on pay increases.
Future Topics
Service Award Lapel Pin
Troy University Partnership Agreement
Section 4.14 – Dress Code – recommendation for changes
Section 4.17 – No Smoking
Section 5.6 – Educational Assistance and Incentives
Section 7.1 – Performance Evaluations
Section 7.2 – Performance and Improvement Plan
2016 Annual Employee Physicals
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM.