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Commission Minutes – February 4, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from February 4, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner


ALSO PRESENT:                   

Charles Dorminy, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Chairman Boland called the meeting to order at 2:05 PM. Commissioner Perry provided the invocation, and Commissioner Elliot let the pledge.

Commissioner Boland recognized Michael Crews.

JWSC received a call from the hotline and our crew was sent out to the scene/situation. The customer sent a letter. She had called the hotline and was told someone would be out soon. Michael Crews showed up at the scene within 30 minutes. She commented on how courteous and thorough and highly efficiently in completing the repairs Mr. Crews was. He responded rapidly and helped resolve the situation.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Boland closed the Public Comment Period.


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Ford

There was nothing new to report at this time

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report at this time

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing new to report at this time

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report at this time

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

Commissioner Cason stated the committee met this morning and there are several items to be voted on the agenda today

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

Commissioner Boland stated there are additional changes to be made and the Legislative item will be moved from an approval item to discussion.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to move Approval item #8 Legislation Package to Discussion Item # 3. Motion approved 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was late for the vote).


Minutes from the January 21, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the January 21, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was late for the vote).

Minutes from the January 21, 2016 Executive Session Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the January 21, 2016 Executive Session Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was late for the vote).

Minutes from the January 26, 2016 Special Called Regular Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the January 21, 2016 Special Called Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was late for the vote).

Minutes from the January 26, 2016 Special Called Regular Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the January 26, 2016 Special Called Executive Session Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was late for the vote).

Bank Resolution and Signature Authorizations – J. Donaghy

John discussed with the Commissioners the banking accounts and signatures required by Section 10.A of the JWSC Financial Policy. It is necessary to re-authorize due to recent changes in the administration. The Resolution has listed the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and the Director of Administration.

Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and the Director of Administration be authorized to execute the necessary banking resolutions and signature cards with BB&T Bank. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was late for the vote).

Renewal Health Insurance Provider Services – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby discussed the Renewal of the Health Insurance Provider. She stated this item was discussed in the Human Resources Committee and also the Finance Committee. The current provider is Cigna which was changed from Blue Cross Blue Shield last year. The initial cost savings was about 90k. There was a total of 8 carriers who agreed to offer an adequate network of doctors and hospitals but only 6 offered competitive quotes. Of the six (6) only 3 carriers offered lower cost plans to the current plan. These three plans were fully funded but did not offer a rebate and documentation and graphs were provided for review. It was discussed that Cigna offered a guaranteed rebate of $53,000 for the 2015 coverage period with a possibility of up to $121,000 possible rebate. The prime coverage does not change which include deductibles and copays. TSI conducted a survey with the BGJWSC plan participants to garner feedback on Cigna’s service and other health plan benefits and found an overall satisfaction to Cigna’s performance. The staff recommends to renew the current health insurance plan with Cigna based on the net value being relatively equal between the Cigna renewal option and the new Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia rates.


Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to accept the proposal from Cigna, Inc., to renew the existing healthcare insurance policy for the 2016 coverage period. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Job Positions: Director, Deputy Director, and Financial Analyst – Chairman Boland

Chairman Boland stated this item was discussed in the Human Resources Committee. There is a recommendation to advertise for the Executive Position and will plan to have in process for next week. The next two positions of the Deputy Director and Financial Analyst are being recommended to be added to the organizational chart and establish the positions into the 2016-2017 financial budget.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to add the positions of the Deputy Director and Financial Analyst to the JWSC organizational chart and establish the positions in the 2016-2017 Financial Budget and begin the hiring process. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to advertise the positions of the Executive Director, Deputy Director, and Financial Analyst and to have the start date for these positions of July 2016.


R & R Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline updated the Commissioners on the current Repair and Replacement projects.

SR 99 Water Line Extensions – Seaboard Construction is the contractor and the notice to proceed date is scheduled for Feb 29th, 2016 for work to begin, completion will be Nov 25, 2016. A ground breaking ceremony was discussed which could include Commissioners, Okefenokee, GA DOT, Georgia Pacific, Development Authority and others will be invited.

Urbana Sewer Replacement – Installation is in progress. The completion date is on schedule and expected for July 21, 2016.

PS 2030 Force Main/Water Main – Installation of 18”FM and 14” WM are in progress. We have constant cooperation with contractor Popco, Glynn County, and JWSC and couldn’t proceed without all parties involved. Full closure for Sea Island Road began today and will extend no later than 2/22/16. The staff tracked the single lane closure from 20-35 minutes to get through at peek times of the day.

Frederica & Atlantic – This project is complete and the steel plates have been removed from the road. The road is repaired. Currently the punch list is being reviewed by the contractor and JWSC.

Hampton Water Production Facility – This is regarding an 800K gallon storage tank and the north end of St. Simons Island. It is on schedule to be completed by mid-March, 2016.

Canal Road Force Main Extension – This project bids on 2/9. The completion is expected to be August 1st. This project is critical to the Sam’s Club Development project.

Canal Crossing Rd Widening Project – This is a county road widening project where JWSC is installing 16” water main and replacing a force main. JWSC is still waiting on the change order pricing from the county’s contractor for staff to review. If it is acceptable JWSC will revise and execute the MOU between JWSC and Glynn County.

Canal Crossing Pump Station – This project is underway and the structure is on the ground. On schedule to be complete by end of March, 2016.

Mansfield St. Sewer Replacement – It was discovered that additional section of gravity sewer needs replacing. This discovery has extended the original scope of work and project boundaries. The contractor presented a change order and will be addressed at the Facilities Committee then the full Commission. The schedule of completion has been requested from the contractor and JWSC is waiting for their reply.

Alder Cir/Sea Palms East – This is a waterline fire protection project. The bid documents are ready and available in the requested format for the county to begin the bidding process. This is a SPLOST funded project.

PS2030 – This is a force main project and EMC Engineering has been requested to complete the survey. JWSC is looking to evaluate and solidify the design plan with 4 Waters Engineering. Critical to the project is site selection, funding source, and development participation which may include developing a policy. Commissioner Booker requested this report be provided to himself and Mr. Alan Ours in order to update the County Commission.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to add item #2 Sea Island Road/Dunbar Creek for Discussion. Motion approved 7-0-0.
Sea Island / Dunbar Creek Update – Chairman Boland

Chairman Boland discussed the Sea Island Road closure and noted that questions have been asked by many as to why we need to close the road. The letter shared explained that JWSC is working to improve the water utility on St. Simons Island which includes water and sewer on the south end of the island that impacts lift station 2030. The suggested recommendation and the State of Ga license request was also attached. This is basically for information only.

Legislation – Charles Dorminy

Charles Dorminy updated the Commission stating that there were changes requested from Representative Jeff Jones. One of the changes recommended are the stipends for Commissioner Reimbursements. Mr. Dorminy continued stating we had the legislation consistent with the Board of Commission throughout the state of Georgia to increase stipends. The delegation asked that we add a notice of public hearing portion to the process in addition to adoption that was already in place. The public notice will be 3 weeks prior and the hearing can take place at any regularly scheduled or Special Called meeting following the public hearing. Rep. Jeff Jones asked for Charlie to create an explanation of changes.



Chairman Boland stated the Employee Evaluations was discussed in the Human Resources Committee and is planned to update and streamline the evaluation process which could avoid long delays.

Chairman Boland discussed the Arco Grant which needed further review as the April 1st deadline didn’t look possible. Commissioner Booker stated this is his district and had requested this troubled area be looked into and asked for the option of grant funds be reviewed as tap funds will need to be addressed. Commissioner Elliott stated that the forgiveness of tap fees will need to be reviewed through the Finance Committee for policy change and that legal counsel will need to verify compliance. Commissioner Booker stated he will look at further for a process in order to proceed.

The Master Plan briefing will be coming soon. This is an extensive document and is in the final stages and will help JWSC to justify decisions.

Chairman Boland reported on the REDLG Grant meeting to discuss the airport area which is moving along. This project will create jobs and provide fire protection in the airport area.

Chairman Boland reported on the meeting with the Development Authority and Tradewinds Development Group and stated it is moving along well. This project will bring more jobs to the area.


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to go into Executive Session to discuss Potential Litigation and Personnel Issues. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Back in session

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to come out of Executive Session and return to the Regular Open meeting. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to enter into an agreement with Commissioner Boland and Commissioner Elliott for acting as Executive Director and in the absence of the Executive Director at a compensation of $1,000.00 a week each and a contract to be drawn up by legal counsel effective January 26, 2016. Motion approved 5-0-2 (Commissioner Boland and Commissioner Elliott abstained from voting).

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 3:04 pm.