Human Resources Committee Minutes – December 3, 2015
your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from December 3, 2015:
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
PRESENT: John Cason, Chairman
Thomas Boland, Commissioner
Allen Booker, Commissioner
Steve Swan, Executive Director
ALSO PRESENT: Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director
Amy McKim, Teamwork
Chairman Cason called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM.
There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Cason closed the Public Comment Period.
Minutes of November 5, 2015 Human Resources Committee
Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to adopt the minutes of the November 5, 2015 Human Resources Committee meeting. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Legal and Fiduciary Development in Retirement Plans – Mark Bedner, Atlanta Capital Group
Mr. Bedner, Senior Managing Director for Atlanta Capital Group, presented to the Commissioners and introduced Keven Rainwater, Managing Partner. He stated that documentation, communication, written procedures and having plans in place is extremely important for employees and employers. Mr. Rainwater discussed the difference in public and private sector and suggested comparison to the local Hospital plans and how they handle their employees’ retirement plans. He also explained to the committee the changes happening with retirement options and defined benefit and contribution plans. Some of those changes include Supreme Court Rulings on high fees, fees disclosure, defined benefits and type of entity being worked with. Atlanta Capital Group handles all types of situations and needs and have various teams that manage them. There was discussion on the current group being used, GMA, and the benefits they provide which include: pension statement and reporting, a website and yearly visits to meet with employees. ACG can provide education of employees and recommends a preliminary meeting to provide options at no cost. It was suggested that a pension committee be developed and look into and oversee defined contribution and benefits. The chairman requested Pension Plan be placed on the next Human Resource Committee meeting for further discussion.
Continuing Education – Commissioner Cason
Chairman Cason spoke on the importance of continuing education and introduced Lynn Chapman, Troy University Site Director. Ms. Chapman discussed the location of the Brunswick site and staff and what this site offers. General education and on-line classes are available and corporate partnerships were introduced. The Chairman noted that some JWSC staff have obtained additional education and that the county and city are taking advantage of the discount offered. There was further discussion on the employees career track and how to achieve certain levels of education. Ms. Chapman discussed that they could come and provide information for employees and introduce what Troy offers and speak on available funding. The question was asked how JWSC can become a partner separate from the County and City programs. Troy University staff would meet with the employees and it will all be managed through Teamworks as the facilitator. It was suggested to place on the calendar for the next Commission Meeting.
Safety Equipment Policy Document – J. Singletary
Mr. Swan explained that the Safety Equipment Policy was deferred until later. Additional review is needed to move forward. Safety & T.O.E.S committee and staff will review and discuss the plan. Employees would sign this document after reviewing important safety issues.
Training/Entry Level Program – A. Booker
Commissioner Booker spoke on entry level positions recruitment for young students, to include Job Corp. Students have a desire to work with JWSC and the partnership between Job Corp and JWSC will allow students to apply once they are eligible. Commissioner Booker explained a similar working relationship with Pinova and Young Black Leaders which is working well. Mr. Swan explained there is a partnership in place and is currently going through Teamworks, Inc. The process of going through Teamworks allows tracking, evaluations, achievements and dates like graduation that are important to be reminded of. The biggest hurdle has been to develop the job descriptions. We currently have a program established to teach young people skills and how to conduct themselves in the job place and to possibly come on board to JWSC. This program is for all entry level positions and not to single out Job Corp. There was further discussion on background checks and what TSI requires.
Meeting adjourned at 11:29 AM.