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Holiday Schedule – MLK Day 2017

Every day is a celebration of diversity at the BGJWSC. We’re proud of the well-trained, dedicated staff that we employ to serve our community 24 hours a day, 365 days every year. Whether you are a rate payer or a visitor to the community, you benefit at home, work or play from the hard work performed by our staff made up of varied ages, races, genders, nationalities and backgrounds.

We recognize that our agency, our community and our country would look vastly different if not for the work performed by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his partners, efforts that ushered in the changes that came about during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. We honor the legacy of Dr. King on the federal holiday reserved in his name which takes place each year on the third Monday in January.

We encourage you to take this opportunity to join others across our nation in recognition of the struggles faced by this vital figure in the modern era.  The Corporation for National & Community Service, a U.S. Government agency, has resources available to assist you in meeting a tangible need or a need of the spirit by engaging in local service projects that “strengthen communities, empower individuals, bridge barriers, and create solutions.”

Though our administrative offices will be closed Monday, January 16 in honor of Dr. King, crew members, such as the ones featured above with their sanitary sewer vacuum trucks, will continue to be available to assist you around the clock by calling our after-hours number, 912-634-0258.