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Facilities Committee Minutes – May 14, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from May 14, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

Present:                      Ronald Perry, Committee Chair

David Ford, Commissioner

                                    Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Steve Swan, Executive Director

                                    John Donaghy, Finance Director

                                    Todd Kline, Planning & Construction Senior Engineer



Chairman Perry called the meeting to order 2:00 PM


Commissioner Ford made a motion and seconded by Commissioner Adams to adopt the minutes from the April 7, 2015 meeting.  Motion carried 3-0-0.


Update on EPD Consent Order and C.A.P. Submittal:

Executive Director Steve Swan updated the committee on the EPD consent order and CAP submittal due Friday.  Angela and Brian are working to complete the corrective action plan.  The concern for environment and how JWSC handles will be on the next Legislative agenda for a proposed draft.  There was discussion with FLETC regarding water lines on the center.  JWSC will be using a locate service to assist in finding older lines unknown to JWSC and FLETC.

SR 99 Waterline Improvements Update:

Senior Engineer Todd Kline updated the committee on the SR 99 project using a map of the area.  JWSC proposes to place the line behind the 5 ft line.  The GDOT meeting set up by Mr. Swan helped push the issue on fire protection which saved JWSC about 90K.  Millard Allen presented BOE plans to build.  Robert Driggers also presented.  This will provide much needed fire hydrants for the Fire Department and resolve the complaints of low water pressure.  The plan will include connecting 3 identified loops that currently are at a dead end.  The plan is to get the bids out in the next three months which will include 3 phases to complete the project.

South Mainland Water Pumping Facility:

Todd Kline updated the committee on the storage tank on exit 29/Hwy 82 is complete.  The water production team has a walk through on Monday to review the facility.

Award of North Hampton Water Pumping Facility:

Todd Kline summarized the Memo attached to the Agenda regarding the N. Hampton Water Pumping Facility.  The memo states the primary water source on this portion of the water system is an 8” well and hydro-pneumatic tank.  A lack of aeration and influx of sand from the aged well causes quality and maintenance problems.  An invitation for Bid was publicly advertised per JWSC requirements and there were three responsive bids.  The staff recommends that the JWSC award this contract to Southern Champion Construction, Inc. for the Hampton Plantation Water Production Facility project and award this contract in the amount of $979,500.00

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to move the acceptance to the Full Commission to award the bid as received by Southern Champion Construction, Inc. for the Hampton Plantation Water Production Facility project in the amount of $979,500.00.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

Review Proposed Security Plan in conjunction with Security Cameras:

Steve updated the committee on the proposed security plan and that it is a work in progress.  He stated all items needs to be addressed and once complete will send to the insurance company.

Glynn Academy / Mansfield Street Sewer Main Modifications:

Todd updated the committee stating this is a work in progress and that two more bids are coming in.

Basin 2030 Update:

Todd Kline updated the committee that the project is ahead of schedule.  He presented a handout of the 2030 Upgrade Timeline and stated the Bypass pump is up and running.  He added that 2 pressure gauges are being installed and will allow JWSC to know the pressure at which the water is running.  The systems analyst is measuring the sulfite and monitoring the chlorination.

Repair and Replacement Report vs. Balance:

Todd updated the committee on the R&R list and Balance.  John Donaghy presented a handout of projects and their budgets and stated that these are a work in progress.  Commissioner Ford requested the top 10 lift stations that need attention be listed.  Steve stated once we have the Master Plan and 5 year plan the list will be efficient.

2016 Operational Capital Improvement Budget per Division:

Steve stated this is currently being worked on and John can have ready for the Finance Committee on Tuesday of next week.

Exit 29 Water Main Extension to Glynn Co. Fire Department:

Todd updated the committee on the Exit 29 Water Main Extension and that the water line cuts across Winn Dixie and dead ends.  There is about 300 feet to get to Fire Department.  JWSC is currently working with the county.  JWSC can handle the work and construction as it has the capacity and with limited costs.

2nd Ave Gravity Sewer Extension:

Todd discussed and introduced to the committee the opportunity to update Glynn Haven area which is suffering from low water pressure. He presented a map and explained approximately 20 – 30 future customers can be served by addressing the other lines in the area.

Director’s Update 

Director Steve Swan updated the committee on the convention on Jekyll presented by GRWA.  He has met with vendors and points of contact.  The session on Cyber Hacking, which was addressed by JWSC insurance company, is something to be considered.  Steve suggested another session put on by and insurance company is providing customers the opportunity to purchase an insurance policy for $1 per month and will cover water leaks.  This would allow JWSC to reclaim some of the write offs due to customers reimbursements for leaks under the current ordinance.

Steve updated the committee on the new building construction.  The move is expected to be June 22.  Many things are already in place and being complete: painting, floors, ceiling grid, fire protection, security system.  CVS is also working to be complete.  The parking lot lights will be maintained by Georgia Power.  A tour in 2 weeks is being planned for the Commissioners.

There being no other business to bring before the Committee, the Chairman adjourned the meeting.

The Facilities Committee meets the second Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM.

The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 2:00 PM

Meeting adjourned at 3:22 PM.