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Facilities Committee Minutes – December 10, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from December 10, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

PRESENT:                  Ronnie Perry, Chairman

David Ford, Commissioner

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Steve Swan, Executive Director

ABSENT:                    Clifford Adams, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:       Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Commissioner

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.


Minutes from November 12, 2015 Facility Committee meeting.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to adopt the minutes of the November 12, 2015 Facilities Committee meeting. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Commissioner Adams was absent).

Hercules/Pinova Sub-Surface Water Discharge – Lisa Willis, Brown & Caldwell

Mr. Swan introduced Lisa Willis of Brown and Caldwell. They are the firm that JWSC is contracted with to provide permit alterations which we do for EPD, EPA or the state of Georgia goes through them.  All of our pre-treatment systems are reviewed by Brown & Caldwell and master permit.  Lisa discussed the Pinova/Hercules request to discharge their treated remediation ground water to the Academy Creek Facility.  This issue has been in discussion for several months.  She explained the history when EPD required Hercules to develop remedial measures to address the contaminated ground water at their facility.  This past June Pinova approached JWSC and asked for authorization to discharge the treated remediation water into Academy Creek under the existing POTW permit for waste water.  JWSC required more information before agreeing.  The design of Pinova’s process plan was discussed which included 2 recover wells.  The attachment C shows pump tests and the results showed considerable removal of the various parameters. The Chloride showed very little change due to levels in the ground water.  The question was asked if a test was ran after each batch and Ms. Willis stated that Pinova will need additional tanks to hold the water while being tested.  They will be performing periodic testing but not every batch.  JWSC has requested a bond, a certificate of insurance, and a third party to be used in the testing process but have not yet heard back from them.  A quick resolution has been requested by Pinova while they wait for a permit.  Rain events were also discussed and could possibly double in volume from 0.5 MGB to 0.8 almost 1.0 MGB.  These recovery wells are designed to operate continuously in order to maintain hydraulic control of the ground water it is problematic for these wells to be shut down the system during a large rain event.  Pinova is working to meter their flows during rain situations. Ms. Willis continued stating from a risk standpoint, the treatment design is sound.  However, if there were ever to be an issue with the concentrated chemicals the Academy Creek system is not designed to handle those concentrated chemicals.  As suggested by Ms. Willis, the commissioners recommended that Pinova pursue the option of adding additional holding tanks and perform the testing as requested.

SR99 Water Main Extension PH 1, 2, 3 Recommendation for award – T. Kline

Todd Kline introduced the project to the committee and stated the invitation to bid was advertised and included 52 contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and seven (7) plan holder services. The mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on 10/27 and 18 contractors attended.  There were three bids received which included Seaboard Construction Co, Popco, Inc. and TB Landmark Construction.  The staff recommendation is to enter a contract with Seaboard Construction Co., in the amount of $1,177,792.15.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to forward to the full Commission.

Irrigation Meter Standards – T. Kline

Todd Kline addressed the Committee and explained that this is a completely different tap. The staff proposes an option for customers to purchase irrigation only meters.  The staff designed the Irrigation Meter with Backflow Preventer and it was explained in detail and requested to be added to the JWSC Standards for Water and Sewer Design and Construction.  The meters can record data and be monitored.  There was discussion on the reduction and amending the fine.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to forward to the Finance Committee and then to the full Commission. Motion approved 3-0-1 (Commissioner Adams was absent).


Academy Creek Office Modifications Budget – S. Swan

Mr. Swan updated the committee on the Academy Creek building. He explained the upper floor is unoccupied and has approx. 10k sq. ft.  It is considered a category 4 worthy building during a storm.  Mr. Swan continued and stated he met with a local architect to consider a rendition of the building to make better use of the space.   The building has many values to use in event of an emergency.  The upper deck has space to keep a generator and space for our emergency crews to stage during a storm.  Mr. Swan stated a rendition of a conceptual design and budget will be provided the commissioners and it can be added to the Master Plan.  There was further discussion on sleeping quarters. There is FEMA money available and requires plan drawings and a budget.

LS 2030 Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline updated the committee on the Lift Station 2030 project. There was a change in the memo of construction, material, and quantities but no change in price.    The changes went through our Legal Council and as an amendment to the contract officially.  Mr. Kline continued to explain the contractors timeline and the plan to bore, which is in the permit.  The permitting is the responsibility of the contractor. The map was discussed and pictures were presented for understanding.  Department of Natural Resources has been involved from the beginning due to the high profile of the project and the close proximity of the marsh.  Glynn County Traffic Control is involved making sure all is going well. There is right of way permitting.  Mike Fields, Senior Inspector, explained the pictures and showed many power lines and utilities involved.  It was noted that when this project is complete it should take care of the development issues going into basin 2030 which was originally recommended in 2003.

LS 2032 Update – T. Kline

Mr. Kline updated the Committee on the 2032 basin and the upgrade will be completed in early February 2016. Various items are being shipping and will be installed soon.  Infiltration and Inflow survey identified several large points of infiltration.  The Basin 2032 analysis is ongoing work with Glynn County GIS and mapping identifying parcels.

Master Plan Schedule Update – S. Swan

Mr. Swan updated the committee on the Master Plan schedule. He is meeting with County and City managers and commissioners.  These meetings are very important as they have been going over the future plans needed by JWSC.  The plan is the 3rd week in January for a revised semi-final draft of the Master Plan.  It was recommended to bypass the Facilities Committee and go directly to the full Commission for review.

Director’s Update

Mr. Swan explained that approximately a year ago there was a sinkhole on Sea Island Road and Frederica and there was exposure to H2S odor. Testing was performed on the Sea Island Sewer system.  Hydrogen Sulfide was measured and discussed requesting a pre-treatment system.  The Catawater WM Concentrate was explained but is not addressing hydrogen sulfide as we have requested.  Chlorinated drip systems were installed and are working well.  The residents have commented and appreciate what has been done.  JWSC is saving a little over 5k a year by self-treating the issue.

Mr. Swan stated Brown and Caldwell was part of the selection committee for Angela Walker and the WW Treatment Team. Today she is at the state level receiving, on behalf of herself and JWSC WWT staff, the top F.O.G. Program in the state of Georgia.

Meeting adjourned at 3:31 pm.