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Commission Minutes – December 15, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from December 15, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


 Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

David H. Ford, Commissioner                                        

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Charles A. Dorminy, Legal Counsel

Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Perry provided the invocation, and Chairman Elliott let the pledge.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.


Employee Recognition – Amy McKim / Steve Swan

The Georgia state Board of Examiners for certification recognizes Donald Shane Branch for obtaining his Wastewater Operator Class 3 License.


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Ford

There was nothing new to report at this time

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report at this time

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

Items from the last meeting are on today’s agenda

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

Chairman Elliott stated items will be covered in the Finance portion of the discussion

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

There is nothing new to report at this time

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

Commissioner Boland stated he will be meeting with our attorney and state representative before moving forward to Atlanta.


Minutes from the December 3, 2015 Regular

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes with any corrections, deletions or additions from the December 3, 2015 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Minutes from the December 3, 2015 Executive Session Meeting.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes as amended from the December 3, 2015 Executive Session. Motion carried 7-0-0.

SR 99 Water Main Extension PH 1, 2, 3 Recommendation for Award – T. Kline

Todd Kline discussed the SR 99 Water Main Extension project to the Commissioners. This was discussed at the Facilities Committee last week. Mr. Kline stated the invitation to bid was advertised and included 52 contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and seven (7) plan holder services.   The mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on 10/27 and 18 contractors attended.  Three responsive bids were received which included Seaboard Construction Co, Popco, Inc. and TB Landmark Construction.  The project funding will be supported by OREMC (Okefenoke Rural Electric Membership Corporation) revolving loan fund and North Mainland Capital Tap Fee Reserve.  The staff recommendation is to enter a contract with Seaboard Construction Co., in the amount of $1,177,792.15 for the SR99/US341 Sterling Industrial Park Water Main Extension.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to enter into a contract with Seaboard Construction in the amount of $1,177,792.15 for the SR99/341 Sterling Industrial Park Water Main Extension.

There was additional discussion on the OREMC loan funding and the North Mainland Capital Tap Fee. The question was asked why out of 52 possible contractors and that we received 3 responsive bids.  It was explained that some already had full schedules or unable to travel/work in this area.  Pam Crosby stated there was extra effort to reach out to contractors with the largest bidding pool to include RFP’s placed with Georgia and GA Municipal Association.

Motion approved 7-0-0.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to move item #6 Workers Compensation Renewal – Jarret Bridges, Turner and Associates, up next as the speaker needs to leave. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Workers’ Compensation Renewal – Jarrett Bridges, Turner & Associates

Jarrett Bridges updated the Commissioners on the Marketing Summary and the Workers’ Compensation losses. Mr. Bridges stated one of the challenges we have faced over the last three years is that JWSC has been averaging Workers’ Compensation injuries over $100k in paid claims each year.  It’s been apparent the Commission is focused on being very pro-active and promoting safety for the employees.  The immediate effects have been great and this current year was a total of $31,000.00 in losses.  This is due in relation to the Safety Stand Down Day and Safety Incentive payouts.  The Insurance Company, Zenith has done their part to keep costs down.  Specifically, Zenith has a representative that performs quarterly site visits and makes for recommendations to make for a safer work place.  In addition, programs like defensive drivers training have helped keep costs down.  The summary of the 20 markets visited were discussed.  The renewal from Zenith of $240,949 was a solid quote with another indication at $400k but did not proceed due to the price variation.  The biggest change in this year compared to last year in Workers

Compensation Insurance has been the Experience Mod. This is an analysis of 3 years of performance to develop a number that is then applied to the premiums.  The current Mod that we are in today and will expire at the end of the year is 1.30 which means the premiums are reduced by 30 %.   The good news going into the next year 2017 is there should be a reduction in premiums.

There was additional discussion and explanation of the insurance premiums at a guaranteed cost verses self-insured. It was stated that next year there will be an attempt to gather competitive rates with GMA and Self Insured prices.  Jeffrey Singletary, TSI, explained the previous years that Zenith lost money.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the renewal of Zenith Workers’ Compensation Insurance for approximately $241,000 dollars and direct the staff to look at additional options such as Self-Insured and GMA for presentation at the November Finance Committee Meeting and the December Commission Meeting. Motion approved 7-0-0.

 Irrigation Meter Standards – T. Kline

Todd Kline addressed the Committee and explained that this is a completely different tap. The staff proposes an option for customers to purchase irrigation only meters.  The staff created the Irrigation Meter detail with Backflow Preventer and it was explained in detail and requested to be added to the JWSC Standards for Water and Sewer Design and Construction.  The meters can record data and be monitored.  The meter/service will be based on the irrigation system needs and will be separate from the potable service tap.   The customer is required to include a wet weather sensor on irrigation system to prevent use during rain events.  The weather sensor was required by the EPD.  There was discussion on backflow preventers and fines.   It was noted that this program should have been in place seven years ago and was neglected.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to adopt the design standard and operational costs of the Irrigation Meter Standards. It is also recommended that the JWSC establish an annual review of the operational costs and adjust as necessary.  Motion approved 7-0-0.

Hercules / Pinova Sub-Surface Water Discharge – S. Swan

Mr. Swan stated the staff reviewed what was requested by Pinova and find the information provided was inadequate to present to the full Commission. There are several things requested by JWSC staff, Legal Council and the consulting engineer, Brown and Caldwell.  There are two subjects, Terry Creek water and the Sub-Surface Water.  We have requested a Bond, Insurance on a catastrophe, continuous flow process, a holding containment for testing, other locations this system is established, and a few other questions.  Pinova has agreed to pay the fees from the consulting engineer, Brown & Caldwell.  It was recommended to defer the item until January.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to defer the Hercules / Pinova item until January. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Paymentus Payment Service – J. Donaghy / P. Crosby

John Donaghy stated it was anticipated to have a formal recommendation and asked for this item to be deferred.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to defer the Paymentus item until January. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to add item #8 to the agenda as the amended Memorandum of Understanding between Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer

Commission and Glynn County for the Water and Sewer Modification on Canal Road Widening Project. Motion approved 7-0-0.

 Memorandum of Understanding – S. Swan

Steve Swan presented the updated Memorandum of Understanding between the JWSC and Glynn County for the Water and Sewer Modification on Canal Road Widening Project. Charles Dorminy stated this MOU has been updated after the County reviewed and changes were made.  One of the changes were that the JWSC shall submit the cost of the change order to the County along with notification that the change order cost is acceptable to JWSC and that it desires for the County to proceed with the change order and installation of the twenty (20) inch sewer force main work.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to approve the amended Memorandum between Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission and Glynn County for the Water and Sewer Modification on Canal Road Widening Project with the change. Motion approved 7-0-0. 


Finance Report – J. Donaghy

Commissioner Elliott stated the Finances will be discussed as carried over items from the Finance Meeting held earlier in the day. John Donaghy discussed the finance report documents as presented.  Mr. Donaghy explained the there was little change from October to November and went over the Balance Sheet and included construction in progress.  Cash Balances were discussed to include Reserves, Tap Fee Reserves, and Bond Trustee Reserves.  The details of divisions were briefly discussed in the managers meeting.  Mr. Donaghy explained why we are under budget for the revenues for the year and further discussion to offset the deficit.  Mr. Donaghy further explained that we are in a surplus of revenue over expenditures and we are carrying out repairs and maintenance.  The need for a rate increase was discussed.  Mr. Swan explained we were fortunate that there were no incidents that occurred as it could have been a different situation.

Update of SPLOST IV and V Remaining for JWSC – S. Swan

Steve Swan updated the Commissioner on SPLOST IV and V for JWSC. He stated he has met with most of the commissioners and the senses so far that there are 3 projects remaining on SPLOST V.  The Brookman Water Facility is a combination of both SPLOSTS which had 3.8M dollars of funding.  If there is any money remaining for funding it was requested that the County Commission look at placing fire lines in the south mainland district.  It will provide fire protection and allow supplemental tap options for residents and will fall within the scope of the funding.  The next item was the sewer rehabilitation line which was designated for Atlantic Drive but ended up being completed (561k remaining).  There is sewer rehabilitation needed in the north between Atlantic and Holly St.  It is the same scope of work and would expand the current project to include 47 new customers.  The county is interested because there will be street rehabilitation and subsequent storm drainage improvements. JWSC will provide the scope and plans and submit to the county for bid.  The next project is the site permit design mainland wastewater treatment plant.  The bills associated to the project will be correctly allocated and the 1.3M remaining funds will need to be re-designated funds.  The permits and investigations are complete.  The next project is the Water Line rehabilitation designated with 178k funds estimate.  This project was dedicated to the Sea Palms East area.  It is a fire line project designated in SPLOST V where a 2” main supplying water to fire hydrants where it needs to be updated to a 6” or 8” main.  The project has been awarded to the engineer AMC and they have performed surveys and bid package.  This will be submitted to the county so they can bid the package.  It was noted that the reason JWSC is not bidding these projects is because it was not an entity when SPLOST IV and V were voted on.

Master Plan Schedule Update – S. Swan

Mr. Swan updated the Commissioners and explained the timing on the Master Plan meeting. He stated that Burton and Associates, Four Waters, and our staff are working on finalizing and it may be the third week in January to meet again.  There have been several discovered projects with cost savings.  Mr. Swan continued stating the meetings with the City and County have been very beneficial for a better understanding in what JWSC is up against and the future plans.  It was stated that the Commissioners will obtain read-ahead documents relating to the Master Plan update the first week in January.



All of the Commissioners and staff provided a very special thank you to Commissioner Ford for his years of service. Commissioner Elliott presented the out-going Commissioner Dave Ford with a plaque recognizing him for his dedicated leadership and guidance for the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission.


There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliott adjourned the open meeting at 3:25 pm. Chairman Elliott stated the executive session will be discussion only.  No action will be taken to warrant the return to open session

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to close the regular meeting and adjourn to Executive Session to discuss potential litigation and personnel issues.  Motion carried 7-0-0.