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Commission Minutes November 3, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from November 3, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas A. Boland, Sr., Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner (arrived late)

ALSO PRESENT:                 

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS

 John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration & Finance

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing                                 

Commissioner Boland called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge.


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, the Chairman closed the public comment period.


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

There was nothing new to report.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing new to report.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

The HR Committee met today and have discussion items on the agenda

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

There was nothing new to report.

EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION – Commissioner Cason and Cindy Barnhart, TSI

Commissioner Cason and Cindy Barnhart, Human Resource Generalist for Teamworks Services Incorporated, Inc. recognized 3 employees for their accomplishments. The Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Laboratory Analyst recognizes the following JWSC employees – David Bert Grantham, received his Water Operator Class 2 license; Kirk Alan Young, received his Wastewater Operator Class 1 license.  These two employees are now permitted to practice in their positions in the state of Georgia and are entitled to all of the privileges allowed under the registration act of Georgia.  In recognition of her outstanding work performing the duties of the Pretreatment Compliance Coordinator for the BGJWSC, Angela Walker received her Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology.


Minutes from the October 20, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from October 20, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote).

Minutes from the October 20, 2016 Executive Session Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from the October 20, 2016 Executive Session Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote).

Minutes from the October 28, 2016 Special Called Regular Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from the October 28, 2016 Special Called Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote).

Minutes from the October 28, 2016 Special Called Executive Session Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from the October 28, 2016 Special Called Executive Session Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote).

Christmas Gift Cards – F. Wilson

Frances Wilson presented the Christmas Gift Card item under approval. Since 2008 the Commission has provided the employees with a $25.00 Walmart gift card.  The total would be 145 cards with a total of $3,625.00 and it is a budgeted expense.

Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams that the BGJWSC provide employees a gift card in the amount of $25 to Walmart. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote).
Resolution to Request Commence Condemnation Proceedings for 2032 Lay Lot – C. Dorminy

Charles Dorminy presented the need for a Lay Lot for 2032 project. Charlie briefly discussed the project in that certain improvements need to be made to the LS2032 force main on the North end of St Simons Island, GA.  Completion of the project requires access to a lay lot, a vacant parcel of land located at the corner of Frederica Road, Atlanta Drive and Palmetto Street.  JWSC wishes to obtain a temporary construction easement onto the Lot to stage a directional drill, a critical factor in the performance of the necessary improvements to the Unified System.  Without access to the Lot the JWSC will be forced to block the flow of traffic on Frederica Road and surrounding streets, resulting in substantial hardship and delays to the community at large.  The JWSC has entered into negotiations with the owner of the lot and those negotiations have failed.   Pursuit to Section 24 (b) of the Operating Agreement, the City or County may, as appropriate, (the County in this instance) would act on the JWSC’s behalf in acquiring property by eminent domain that has been designated by the JWSC to be necessary to facilitate the operation, maintenance, and growth of the Unified System.  Whereas, the JWSC has deemed the Lot to be pivotal to the JWSC’s continued operation and maintenance of the Unified System and requests the County to exercise its power of eminent domain to allow the JWSC to access the Lot and avoid undue delay and hardship to the community.  Charlie discussed this with the County attorney and the county is aware of this request.  Commissioner Boland discussed the area and businesses near by that will be affected.  An appraisal was performed on the Lot for the potential use of the Lot.  It was noted that JWSC would repair and clean up afterwards but there was no agreement with the owner.  The discussion continued as to what if the Lot was not available and it was stated there will be a bigger closure of the lanes.   Commissioner Booker stated he will discuss with the other County Commissioners.  It was requested that the Executive Director present before the County Commission the project and provide as much information about the JWSC need for a Lay Lot.  The project is expected to take approx. 200 days to complete.

Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Elliott that the JWSC approve the Resolution to Request the Commissioners of Glynn County to Commence Condemnation Proceedings for 20320 Lay Lot, with the necessary grammar changes to the document and instructions to staff. Motion approved 7-0-0.


Restore and Repair Project Report – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the update on the Capital projects. Commissioner Cason noted gratitude to the JWSC staff for the information necessary to be presented at the City meeting last evening.  Door hangers to residents homes provided to both Urbana and Mansfield Street.  The first project Frederica/Atlantic Sewer Rehabilitation has been completed. Hampton Water Production Facility has been completed. Canal Road to Old Jesup Water & Force Main Extension has been completed. Canal Crossing Water & Force Main Improvements is a MOU County project on their widening project.  JWSC is still working through to complete.  There is a punch list from JWSC that the County is working through.  One of the key items outstanding is the manifold of PS4108 to the new 20”force main.  The new FM can not be utilized until the manifold happens.  There are several projects hinging on this due to capacity issues. The County has been notified of the urgency.  Canal Crossing Pump Station this project is essentially complete but waiting for punch list items which include the record drawings. PS2030 Force Main and Water Main is 99% complete due to not receiving of the record drawings. State Route 99 Waterline Extensions is in progress.   The completion of easements have caused a delay.   JWSC has retained all easements to complete the project.  The survey is in process to complete and there is a little route change.  Greenswamp (phase III) is complete.  The contractor is working down GA Power right of way.  The Completing date is March 2017.  A fire hydrant will be installed next to the Fire Station on the road. Urbana Sewer Replacement document was discussed.  Sewer work is nearing completion and water mains and newer fire hydrants have been installed.  The neighborhood will see a lot of improvements.  The contractor is scheduled to be paving and should be completed the first week of January. Mansfield Street Sewer Replacement project has been a discovery process due to unknown and undocumented lines.  Progress is being completed towards Bay Street and the gravity sewer.  Issues with the lift 4002 station is still being worked through.  One pump is on line and waiting for the second pump to be repaired.  The negligence on the contractor’s part has been submitted to the insurance for processing.  An additional change order for approx. $13k will be coming soon for removal of the unknown lines.   There are regular bi-weekly meetings held at the Baptist Church Youth Center.  It was noted that this is a City of Brunswick project and JWSC has an MOU to reimburse the City.  Alder Circle (Sea Palms East) Water Line/Fire Protection project to utilize the remaining SPLOST monies previously available.  It was discovered that the contractor did not include the correct quantity for asphalt in the bid.  JWSC has been working with the County and determined to re-bid the project.  The SPLOST amount was believed to be $261k.  Glynn Haven Sewer Rehabilitation/Replacement-Survey & Engineering Design RFP is a SPLOST funded project with estimated $561k available.  The engineering was done and the bid documents are under review and will be submitted to the county for bidding. PS2051 Upgrade is a developer driven project to facilitate the Mariners Landing development where they upsized the storage capacity of the wet well with no cost the JWSC.  The project is functional and nearing completion.  The station will be then be upgraded for the full capacity in the Gascoigne Bluff area. PS2051 Upgrade down Frederica Road.  The pre-bid meeting was held yesterday and went well. Outside Contracts were discussed and represent 7 different engineering consultants and 8 different contractors.  PS4005 Force Main Improvements, Canal Road/Ogden 20” Force Main extension, Canal Road to Glynco Parkway 12” Water Main Loop,  Hautala/Old Jesup Water Main Loop, and PS4110 & PS4039 Redirection (SPLOST 2016). Private Projects for Construction Observation/Inspection are Subdivision = 5; Multi-family Development = 4; Commercial Development = 12; and Outstanding Clean-outs (sewer taps sold & pending connection) = 490.  Commissioner Elliott inquired about the fees charged and would like to see in the Finance Committee how many projects are ongoing, what the revenue coming in is, and what the actual cost in labor and material associated so that JWSC is adequately reimbursed.  Glynn County Projects include Sterling Ball Park Improvements; Hwy 341 Sidewalk Improvements, and Canal Road Widening Projects.  Commissioner asked for a report on what was damaged to JWSC property and how JWSC is working to get reimbursed and also a walk-through of Innoprise and how projects are set up.  Commissioner Booker requested a copy of the report to provide to the County Commissioners.


Mr. Junkin discussed providing Innoprise reports and real time with status updates.

The Public Information Officer has been posted and received applications for it. Mr. Junkin discussed the presentation on the JWSC mission and projects going on and the future of presenting more often in the community and also utilize the Commission Meeting Room.


The Chairman discussed a letter addressed to the newspaper editor that JWSC was not spending money on St. Simons Island projects and the list provided by Todd Kline of work being done clearly showed 8M being spent on SSI problems. It was stated that the JWSC is addressing issues for the entire county.  The Chairman discussed the Coal Ash presentation and believes the JWSC may want to look at getting involved and providing a request for safe landfills and waterways.  It was stated to possibly have JWSC get with the City and the County to support to agenda.


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss Litigation. Motion approved 7-0-0.

The Chairman stated there will be no vote after the Executive Session.

Executive Session ended

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adjourn the Executive Session and return to the Regular meeting. Motion approved 7-0-1.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adjourn the Regular Commission Meeting. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 3:18 pm.