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Commission Minutes – March 3, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from March 3, 2016:

BGJWSC_Commission_Meeting_Minutes_March_3,_2016 – Posted 4/8/16

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner


Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                

Charles A. Dorminy, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Chairman Boland called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation, and Chairman Boland let the pledge.

Chairman Boland recognized the absence of Commissioner Donald Elliott due to family medical reasons and requested a motion for the excusal of his absence.

Vice-Chairman Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to approve the excusal/absence of Commissioner Elliott from the meeting. Motion approved 5-0-2 (Commissioner Bowen was late for the vote, Commissioner Elliott was not present).


There being no citizens that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Boland closed the Public Comment Period.


Employee Recognition – Commissioner Cason / Amy McKim, TSI / Billy Simmons

The Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Laboratory Analysts recognizes Michael Exum as a Water Laboratory Analyst in the state of Georgia and he is now entitled to all of the privileges allowed under the Registration Act of Georgia.

Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) Representative – Randy Logan

Commissioner Boland introduced Randy Logan from GMA Insurance. The purpose of this presentation is to encourage employees to start a retirement program. Mr. Logan has been with GMA for 17 years and his primary responsibility is retirement programs. This presentation is basically to serve as a conversation starter regarding retirement and to answer some questions the commissioners had.  GMA is an 80 year old non-profit organization and is owned by and serves local governments in the state legislature.  Currently GMA provides about 25 different types of programs for local governments.  JWSC participates in 2 different programs, one being a defined employee benefit program for future monthly benefits after employee retirement. The second is a deferred compensation program which is a voluntary supplemental retirement program in which employees have money deducted from their paycheck to be put into their own account which they manage for future retirement as an additional source of income.  The JWSC is the governing authority over our program with GMA. The assets in this program are in a retirement trust account which belongs to the JWSC governing body Commission and GMA administers the plan.  There are about 143 participants (120 active, 10 terminated but vested, and 8 retired employees) receiving benefits. The presentation included the summary of the plans and improved Deferred Compensation 457b program.  The discussion of developing a Pension Committee for JWSC was discussed and the members have already been established and Mr. Logan can help establish.  It was asked at what percent the funding is at today and what are the state requirements.  Mr. Logan explained the plan is funded at 70% and every year has grown.  Contribution as of today is 7.6% of payroll which is comfortable compared to others.  The state requires some minimal contribution at normal costs.  The lump sum payout only provided if someone’s payout in the event that the net present value of the persons benefit is less than $5,000.  It is not an option in this plan for employees to take a lump sum.


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

There is nothing new to report at this time. There is a scheduled meeting for March 10th.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Boland

There was nothing new to report at this time.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing new to report at this time.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report at this time.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

There was nothing new to report at this time.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

The bill was proposed on Tuesday and on schedule to be adopted.


Minutes from February 18, 2016 Regular Meeting (subject to any necessary changes)

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the February 18th Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Elliott was absent for the vote).

Minutes from February 18, 2016 Executive Session Meeting (subject to any necessary changes)

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to approve the minutes from the February 3rd Executive Session.  Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Elliott was absent for the vote, Commissioner Perry abstained from voting as he was not present during the Exec. Session).

Canal Crossing Water & Sewer MOU Glynn County Change Order – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the Canal Crossing Water & Force Main Improvements Pricing & MOU with Glynn County. Mr. Kline stated this was previously approved with Glynn County.  The county did solicit there contractor for pricing at $699,473 and the MOU reflects this price.  The JWSC received competitive proposals for engineering design services to coordinate these improvements with Glynn County’s project.  The memorandum states the engineering design and portion of the construction are funded from a $150,000 grant from the Brunswick Glynn County Development Authority.  The balance will be funded from the North Mainland Capital Improvements funds/tap fees.  The exhibits attached to the memorandum were explained. The staff recommends the JWSC approve the pricing presented by Glynn County to facilitate the water and sewer improvements as proposed.  It was further recommended to revise the previously approved MOU between Glynn County BOC and the JWSC to include the stated pricing.  It was further stated this is necessary to move forward at the Canal Crossing project and noted the area it would cover

Commission Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to approve the additional pricing provided by Glynn County in the amount of $699,473.00 and authorize revision of the previously approved MOU to be signed and executed by the JWSC Chairman, Glynn County Manager and Chairman of the Glynn County Board of Commissioners. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Elliott was absent for the vote).

Quaker City Plating Industrial Wastewater Permit – A. Walker

Angela Walker and Mark Ryals presented the Commission with the Quaker City Plating Industrial New Permit. Quaker City Plating started operations in Brunswick May 2014 and is a metal plating company originating from California.  They have been issued one prior permit and due to the local limits changing for Academy Creek WPCP some parameters have changed.  Mrs. Walker continued stating to be in compliance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 403, the Georgia Administrative Code Chapter 391-3-6, Water Quality Control, the Glynn County Municipal Code Chapter 2-16 Water and Sewer Ordinance, and the City of Brunswick Municipal Code Chapter 22 Water and Sewer Ordinance, as amended.  The JWSC staff recommend implementing a new revised pretreatment permit for Quaker City Plating for a term of 5 years.  A meeting was held with QCP to get a better understanding and to clarify testing.  There will be testing weekly for the first 6 months and then bi-weekly for the next 6 months unless there is a problem, which will then be addressed.  If all parameters are met the testing will be on a monthly basis.  The testing will be monthly and QCP will be paying for this testing.  There was discussion regarding lead or mercury through the discharge.  It was noted that JWSC is comfortable with the parameters set in the permit and an employee will be present during the discharge.  There was discussion regarding the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for QCP and were found to be quite extensive.  There have been extensive meetings and discussions and Brown and Caldwell has been very involved.  The EPD has been with JWSC on inspections as well.  Solids/waste collected as part of their process goes to a metal reclamation company for hazardous waste.  The main products produced are airplane parts.

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commission Cason to accept the Quaker City Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Permit effective April 1, 2016 for a five (5) year plan. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Elliott was absent for the vote).


Canal Road Contract Status – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the Commissioners on the Canal Road project Contract Status and stated all of the contract documentation has been signed. We are ready to issue a notice to proceed.


Commissioner Boland updated the Commissioners on the applications received. There have been 13 Executive Director, 16 for the Deputy Director and showing 5 are very well qualified for both positions.  We have received 45 applications for the Financial Analyst and 8 shows to be highly qualified.  Once the receiving of application is closed their information will be distributed to the Commission for their review and begin the interview process.

The Arco Grant – we are currently working with the County and Mr. Alan Booker on the help with the project. The engineering map shows the area and more grants could be requested each year.

2030 Project – The Sea Island Road has gone better than anticipated and the paving will being on Tuesday.

An Evaluation Pay Committee has been developed. Mark Ryals is the chairman of this committee and is comprised of several employees. This will allow a fair and equitable pay system that give a good handle on the pay system.

Commission Cason requested an update on the Mansfield Street project. Todd Kline updated the Commission stating the contractor is re-mobilized and on site laying the Force Main tie in from pumpstation 2002 scheduled for next week.  We are still waiting for the completion date from the City and is possibly 270 days from this point.  The church was also discussed.

The Urbana project was discussed and is moving forward. There are cooperative efforts with JWSC and the City. There is a storm sewer along the same route that the contractor will work separately.


Commissioner Boland stated there was no reason to go into Executive Session.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams that there is no need to go into Executive Session. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Elliott was absent for the vote).

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the meeting.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Motion carrier 5-0-2 (Commissioner Elliott was absent for the vote).

Meeting adjourned at 10:53 am.