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Commission Minutes January 5, 2017

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from January 5, 2017:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below: 

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 2:00 PM





Clifford Adams, Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner (Arrived late)

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

Steve Copeland, Commissioner

Dave H. Ford, Commissioner

Cornell L. Harvey, Commissioner


ALSO PRESENT:                 

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS

Thomas A. Boland, Sr., Deputy Director

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration & Finance

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing


Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.  Commissioner Elliott provided the invocation and Commissioner Adams led the pledge.

Chairman Adams announced that there would be a swearing in ceremony and welcomed the new Commissioners and Guests.


Probate Judge Debra Godwin Duncan

Clifford Adams

Donald M. Elliott

Steve Copeland

Dave H. Ford

Cornell L. Harvey

Judge Debra Godwin Duncan read the oath to each incoming Commissioner, swearing them into their new position, and also prompted each to sign all 3 original copies of the formal oath. Judge Debra Godwin Duncan them commented that she was proud to be a part of their swearing in and congratulated them all. During the reception, she signed all the copies of each Commissioners’ oaths.



Commissioner Bowen nominated Commissioner Elliott to serve as the chairman for the year 2017.  Commissioner Adams seconded the nomination.  No additional nominations were received. The nominations carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Elliott could not cast a vote.  Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote).

Commissioner Elliott nominated Commissioner Adams to serve as Vice-Chairman for the year 2017.  Commissioner Bowen seconded the nomination.  No additional nominations were received.  The nominations carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Adams could not cast a vote.  Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote). 


Chairman Elliott presented Commissioner Adams, Commissioner Cason, Commissioner and Previous Chairman Boland each with a plaque for their previous service with the Commission.  (Commissioner Perry and Commissioner Booker were absent for this presentation to receive their plaques.)


Jason Counts, Driggers Homes – Addressed the Commission regarding Taps. Mr. Counts thanked the Commissioners for their service. He referred to the July 7 Moratorium on taps and the Special Allocation August 30, 2016 meeting. He stated the Taps Allocation policy was to be re-worked for North Mainland specifically and a summary status of sewer demand versus availability after adjustments were made to auxiliary pumps was to be made available.  It was stated and hoped that JWSC would provide a follow-up summary regarding the taps allocation. Mr. Counts stated he is looking for information regarding the status of the auxiliary pumps and any availability created due to those pumps being added.  He referenced an open records request.  He questioned if there was anything they could to help with this matter as it affects their business. Chairman Elliott asked him to stay for the meeting to hear the update from our Engineer and if that information he needs is not provided that the Executive Director would discuss this with him further.

There being no further citizens for public comment, Chairman Elliott closed the public comment period.


There were no Committee meetings since last month and there have not been new assignments made yet to the Committees, therefore there were no Committee updates.


Shanesha Sallins was recognized and presented an award for her completion of additional professional development FEMA courses above and beyond the 2 required courses for all employees.

Previous Commissioner Cason took a moment to congratulate the incoming and current Commissioners to tell them how much he appreciated their offering of their services and how important this organization is for our community.


  1. Minutes from the December 15, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to approve the minutes from December 15, 2016 Regular Meeting.  Motion carried 6-0-1 (Booker not present for vote).

  1. Minutes from the December 15, 2016 Executive Meeting

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to approve the minutes from December 15, 2016 Executive Meeting.  Motion carried 6-0-1 (Booker not present for vote).

3. Surplus Property – 105 Nottingham Drive, Brunswick – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented that JWSC presently owns a piece of property located at 105 Nottingham Drive in Brunswick which the staff would like to have declared as surplus.  Staff has determined that this piece of property is no longer of any use to the JWSC.  As a part of the surplus process for property, an appraisal of the property was done by Driggers Commercial Group. The appraisal was done and the market value of the property was found to be at $45,000.00. A copy of the Appraisal Report Summary with a map was attached to the documents for the commissioners’ review. In order to dispose of property, the property does need to be declared as surplus by the Commission and then the best means of disposal will be determined. Maintaining surveillance and landscaping the property would be extra added costs deemed unnecessary.  (Commissioner Booker arrived during this presentation.)

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to declare the property identified at 105 Nottingham Drive, Brunswick as surplus am authorizing its disposal in a manner most beneficial to the JWSC.  Motion approved 7-0-0.

  1. Surplus Equipment – Asset No. 106 Mobile Office Trailer – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented that JWSC staff has determined that Asset no. 106, VIN # 941255522-23041 is no longer of use to the mission of the JWSC.  This asset is a mobile office trailer currently sitting unoccupied at the Academy Creek WWTP site.  It is approximately 22 year old trailer. Originally, we paid about $6,000.00 for it. Normally, staff would dispose of surplus equipment on GovDeals, but before that is done, research will be done on something comparable as to estimate the current value.  This trailer is not suitable for any use by JWSC at this time. To dispose of this property, the BGJWSC must declare the property as surplus.  Once declared surplus the property will be disposed of in a manner most beneficial to the JWSC.

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to declare the surplus equipment, identified as Mobile Office Trailer, Asset No. 106, as surplus and authorizing its disposal in a manner most beneficial to the JWSC.  Motion approved 7-0-0.

Commissioner Elliott interjected the schedule of the two days in February for workshops for the newly elected and appointed Commissioners for them to become accommodated and up to speed on everything that is happening currently at the JWSC.


  1. Project Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the Project Update.  Project # 503 – The Canal Crossing Water & Force Main Improvements Project is nearing completion and the final punchlist items, with the Pumpstation 4108 manifold connection to be completed. This is a Glynn County Board of Commissioners contract and BGJWSC has MOU with the county on this project.  Project #504 – Canal Crossing Pumpstation Improvements Project is at 95% completion with Lift Station 4101 online. The final punch list items and record drawings are in process.  Project #409 – Pumpstation 2030 Force Main and Water Main which was on St. Simons Island is closed and completed. The force main is functioning well.  Project #232 – State Route 99 Waterline Extensions is a phased project.  The Greenswamp Road phase is complete.  Contractors are currently working on the phase between Hwy. 99 and Green Swamp Road. Existing utilities make a re-route of the waterline necessary.  Expected completion of Project is Spring 2017.  Project #319 – Urbana Sewer Replacement is nearing completion.  This project is a cooperative effort between BGJWSC and the City of Brunswick.  The Sanitary and sewer services have expected completion by 1/14/17. Final portion will include decommission of Pumpstation 4019 with the demolition of that gravity main, grout filling and grass surfacing of the area.  Regarding the roads in the Urbana neighborhoods, the GAB road base is being spread now, improving the road surfaces, and the final paving should be happening within the next two weeks.  Project #421 – Mansfield Street Sewer Replacement sanitary sewer portion is at completion with some minor grouting and ancillary details to be finished.  This is another cooperative project between BGJWSC and the City of Brunswick.  There is good progress on the city’s portion of the storm sewer replacement and upgrades.  Final completion of this Project is expected to be 2/28/17.  Project #501 – Alder Circle is a SPLOST funded Project of which the construction portion must be bid by the County, upon revision of the bid documents. Project is estimated to cost around $400,000.  Project #602 – Holly Street Sewer Rehabilitation/Replacement is also a Project from remaining SPLOST funding.  Engineering design required some revision to reroute infrastructure.  After completion of the design, the construction will be bid by the County due to SPLOST funding.  There was some discussion regarding the timing of the construction of this Project and the Pumpstation 2032 Project due to their locations and possible effects on the areas involved.  It was noted that JWSC must keep the public informed regarding these two projects.  T. Kline also explained that there is a traffic plan set in place with County participation for every Project.  Project #505 – Pumpstation 2032 Regional Force Main Improvements Project is another high priority project that will begin just North of South Harrington on Frederica Road.  The first load of pipe, HDPE 16” was delivered last week.  Contractor is TB Landmark is the construction company doing the project, and they are mobilized in a secured lot on Palmetto.  Four Water’s Engineering is the Engineering firm for this project, which has a total length of 11,000 linear feet.  This Project has a 200 day contract time, is on schedule and on track with an expected completion July 2017.  Project #701 – Pumpstation 4048 Force Main Improvements involves the North Mainland and is expected to free up capacity for that area.  The engineering design for this Project eliminates the need to upgrade Lift Station 4005 by redirecting the force main to bypass Lift Station 4005 and directly discharge sewer closer to the gravity system near the treatment plant.  The expected completion of this 3,000 linear feet of force main upgrade is late 2017.  Project #702 – North Mainland Sewer Basin Re-route is a SPLOST 2016 Project, with the engineering design RFP in progress.  It is a long term component of the solution for the North Mainland capacity issues.  It is planned to be a phased construction Project in order to be expedited and is expected to be a two to three year, plus Project.  Project #703 – Pumpstation 4003 Decommission and Gravity Sewer is another SPLOST 2016 Project.  The engineering design RFP is in progress and this elimination of Pumpstation 4003 Project is expected to provide gravity sewer flow straight to Academy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Project #704 – Canal Road to Glynco Parkway 12” Water Main Loop is in the pre-engineering stage involving route discussions with Glynn County.  This Project will include continuation of the existing water main on Canal Road by adding 9,500 linear feet and will eliminate the single feed to Glynco Parkway, airport and FLETC.  Project #705 – Hautala to Old Jesup 12” Water Main Loop is a 600 linear feet of water main at the Cate Road/Old Jesup Intersection.  This will provide an additional connection between the former City and County water systems.

Additional projects Mr. Kline discussed were private Sector, public Sector and JWSC internal support. It was questioned as to whether JWSC currently tracks change orders and it was stated that we do and will provide reports in the future.


Mr. Junkin discussed Mr. Counts’ questions on capacity. Capital and operational needs were also discussed. Mr. Junkin continued stating that JWSC is working on internal review of Master Plan and Projects.  Mr. Junkin discussed the work sessions scheduled for February 2nd and February 16th.  The staff will present job functions, budgets and operations for the commissioners.  A tour will also be set up to look at the plants, lift stations and water production facilities.


Chairman Elliott explained to the new commissioners what he had learned and gained during his first term as a commissioner.  He discussed it was a time of discovery learning about problems like capacity and maintenance of sewer lines.  He also reiterated the schedule of the February 2nd and the 16th work sessions.  Assignment of committees will be approved at the next commission meeting.


Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss Litigation Issues.  Motion approved 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for vote).

Return to regular session

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to return to the Regular meeting.  Motion approved 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for vote).

Chairman Elliott adjourned the open meeting at 4:14 pm.