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Budget and Rates Town Hall Meeting Schedule – 2017-2018 Fiscal Year

Increasing costs to operate and maintain existing infrastructure while providing the current level of service or better has led the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission to consider raising water and sewer rates as well as many of the fees associated with the services provide by the BGJWSC. Water and sewer tap-in fees will need to be higher for new construction to cover the capital costs associated with capacity required to serve new users or new connections to the water and sewer systems. Developers are also taking on the burden of paying for new development plan reviews and inspections. These changes will help prevent existing customers from bearing the costs of increasing capacity needed for new customers or new developments.

The management, staff and members of the Board for the BGJWSC will be hosting town hall meetings June 14 and 19 to open up discussion with the community regarding changes that will affect all rate payers and developers beginning with our July 1st billing period.

Main topics will include:

  • How the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) impacts operations, maintenance, development and BGJWSC rates and fees.
  • Why a significant borrowing, known as bond issue, will be required to keep us on track.
  • What methods management is taking to ensure that the organization is slim yet effective.
  • How the BGJWSC is working hard to put the cost of development on the developers and not on the bills of ratepayers.
  • What caused debt owed to us by current and past customers to grow and what we’re doing to reduce it.
  • How the BGJWSC aims to provide the highest quality service possible with the most reliable water and sewer infrastructure far into the future.

First Town Hall Meeting:

When – 6:00 PM on Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Where –  St. Williams Catholic Church Parish Hall
2300 Frederica Rd St
Simons Island, GA 31522

Second Town Hall Meeting:

When –  6:00 PM on Monday, June 19, 2017
Where – Howard Coffin Park
1402 Sonny Miller Way
Brunswick, GA 31520

Special Called Meeting for Budget and Supporting Rate Schedule Adoption:

When – 2:00 PM on Thursday, June 29, 2017
Where – BGJWSC Commission Meeting Room
1703 Gloucester St
Brunswick, GA 31520

The meetings will be recorded and accessible via our website on the day following the meeting. Those seeking to ask questions but unable to attend can direct those questions to:

Jay Sellers
Public Information Officer