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BGJWSC Commissioner Position to be Filled by Grand Jury

The Glynn County Grand Jury is accepting letter applications through January 21, 2020 from persons interested in being appointed to the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission to serve the remainder of the term occupied by elected Commissioner Steve Copeland who is resigning.

Each applicant shall have been a resident of the city or county for at least 12 months prior to his or her appointment, shall be 21 years of age or older, and shall be registered to vote in this State. Applicants must possess specialized engineering, finance or related business education or experience, including, but not limited to, accounting, public relations, or other experience or education relating to the operation of a water and sewer authority, industrial management, or related business.

Interviews will be held January 29, 2020 and/or February 5, 2020 at the Court House. Prior to final membership appointment selection, the Grand Jury shall accept public comments and may consider comments from private citizens at a hearing to be held February 12, 2020 or February 19, 2020.

Appointments will be made March 4, 2020. The newly appointed commissioner will take office immediately and will serve the remainder of the unexpired term which will expire December 31, 2020. Interested persons should submit their letter applications to:

Glynn County Grand Jury
c/o Ronald M. Adams
Clerk of Superior Court
701 H Street
Brunswick, GA 31520

Or by email to:

Why Do We Use a Grand Jury to Fill Some Seats?

As a function of our “operating agreement” that was crafted with City and County board members prior to our agency’s creation in 2008 and amended as needed, three members on our board are selected by the local grand jury to serve a four year term. Presently, that consists of Commissioners Don Elliott, Tripp Stephens, and Ben Turnipseed. The Grand Jury was asked to fill a temporary vacancy this year due to the resignation of elected Commissioner Copeland.

How are the Other Seats filled?

Aside from the three commissioners appointed by the Grand Jury, we also have two elected by the public, one representative from the City of Brunswick Board of Commissioners and one representative from the Glynn County Board of Commissioners.

You can see more details on the Commissioners page.

As the voting equipment used by the Board of Elections has recently changed, please read the latest edition of The Flow, our quarterly newsletter, to help be more prepared to use the new voting systems.