Special Called Meeting Minutes – September 25, 2014
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Special Called Meeting from September 25, 2014:
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
PRESENT: Dale Provenzano, Chairman
Thomas A. Boland, Commissioner
John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner
Sandra J. Dean, Commissioner
Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner
David H. Ford, Commissioner
Ronald E. Perry, Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director
John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration
Desiree E. Watson, JWSC Attorney
Barbara Rogers, JWSC Clerk
Chairman Provenzano called the meeting to order. The Chairman requested the agenda order be changed.
1. City Works Integration Update – John Donaghy
Mr. Donaghy handed out a draft implementation plan from the Jones Edmunds Company that will be integrating the various software programs, Cityworks, GIS, WaterGEMS and SewerGEMS, and Innoprise into one seamless program for the JWSC. This will eliminate duplication of data entry and allow tracking of work orders, inventory, labor costs, preventative maintenance and modeling. Commissioners discussed the need for adequate training of the end users and disaster recovery off site backup of the data.
2. Capital Tap Fee Calculations – Andy Burnham
Mr. Burnham stated that the JWSC should be in a good position to calculate capital tap fees once the Master Plan has been updated. The last Master Plan was based on greater growth and required escalated expansion of the system. Capital tap fees should cover the impact cost and once connected the customer would pay operating and debt costs. Mr. Burnham stated that not all debt funded expansion but also covered repair and replacements costs. Capital fees cover the impact to the system and future expansion, operational fees cover the costs associated with the physical connection to the system.
Chairman Provenzano stated that currently the Capital Tap Fees are reduced by fifty (50) percent and questioned what information the Commission would need to make the determination to reinstate the full fees or continue with the 50% reduction. Commissioner Boland recommended that the Commission address the issue once this portion of the Master Plan is completed prior to implementing next year’s budget.
Commissioners discussed they would need to know when they can commit to system expansion, they need to know how many potential customers could be added to the system and costs of expansion in order to calculate payback.
Commissioners asked staff to prepare language to allow for hardship financing of capital tap fees.
3. REU Discussion – Andy Burnham
Steve Swan stated that out of approximately 1500 customers 23 have requested additional information and only two customers have requested and received adjustments. Two areas have been identified that need review: fast food versus full service restaurants and semi-private pools, such as those owned by homeowner associations. After a short discussion, Commissioners requested staff to evaluate the issue and come back to the Commission with a recommendation and draft amendment to the Rate Resolution.
4. JWSC Project List Review – Steve Swan
Mr. Swan distributed a current list of JWSC projects to Commissioners and reviewed the status of each. Commissioners questioned the actual cost over budget on many projects. It was noted the time between the engineering projections and start of actual construction may contribute to the cost overages. Commissioners requested the date the project was approved and actual construction start date added to each project along with the cost of materials. Mr. Swan stated currently the JWSC in-house construction crews are working on emergency repairs only.
5. Carl Vinson Study Discussion – Steve Swan
Commissioner Boland stated the Human Resource Committee has reviewed the Carl Vinson Study and their recommendation of an in-house human resources position to handle the day-to-day activity, risk management and training. Mr. Swan stated that the staff at Teamwork Services is not dedicated to JWSC full time and is at times unavailable. He stated he would like to see more interaction between Teamwork Services and the department heads. Commissioner Perry requested the Commission would need to see numbers and Commissioner Cason stated the Human Resources Committee is researching costs and benefits.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to close the special called meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss potential litigation. Motion carried 7-0-0.
Back in Session. Discussion only, no action taken.
As requested by Chairman Provenzano, Mrs. Watson JWSC Legal Counsel, distributed legal costs through August 2014.
There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Provenzano adjourned the meeting.