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Human Resources & Safety Committee Meeting Minutes – August 3, 2017

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Human Resources & Safety Committee Meeting held on Thursday, August 3, 2017.

August 3, 2017 – Human Resources & Safety Committee Minutes with Attachments

To read the minutes please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below:

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Commission Meeting Room

Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 10:00 AM 



Cornell Harvey, Chairman                                     

Donald Elliott, Chairman of Commission

David Ford, Commissioner

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director 

ALSO PRESENT:               

John Donaghy, Director of Finance                                               

Tom Boland, Sr., Deputy Director

Jay Sellers, Public Information Officer

Cindy Barnhart, TSI


Cliff Adams, Commissioner                       

Chairman Harvey called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. 


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Harvey closed the Public Comment Period. 


  1. Minutes From July 20, 2017 Human Resources & Safety Committee Meeting

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the Human Resources & Safety Committee Meeting from July 20, 2017.  Motion carried 3-0-1. (Commissioner Adams was absent for the vote.) 


  1. Recruiting and Termination Statistics –C. Barnhart, TSI

Cindy Barnhart from Teamwork Services, Inc. discussed the Recruiting and Termination Statistics report with the Committee.  She noted that there was a new job posted for Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator III, and another one for Engineering Systems Analyst–Modeler.   She updated that there have been a total 78 responses received by Teamwork Services for the position of Deputy Executive Director.  Chairman Harvey questioned as to closing dates for receiving applications for open positions.  Mrs. Barnhart advised that it depended on the position and the directive given by the client for the posting.  She included that when various venues are used for posting higher positions, some of those venues have minimum posting times, such as 30 or 45 days.  Also noted was that resumes are sent out normally twice per week to the hiring manager.  T.S.I. does do some pre-screening prior to applications being sent for review.  There was no further update regarding recruiting and termination statistics.

  1. Job Descriptions and Responsibilities
  • Director of Operations
  • Deputy Director
  • Superintendents

Chairman Harvey advised that he had requested the job descriptions for the Director of Operations, Deputy Director and the Superintendents in order to discuss and note where there were some similarities and job overlapping.  This is in order to determine if there is possible combining of job tasks between these positions. Chairman Harvey then added that since the Deputy Director position was going to be discussed later, and that he wanted to propose that either one or the other of the Deputy Director or Director of Operations was hired, he wanted to defer further discussion until later.


Mr. Junkin advised that he was going to make a quick update later in the day in Executive Session.  There was no update for this Committee meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:09 am.