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Facilities Committee Minutes – Wednesday, October 20, 2021

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room

Facilities Minutes 10-20-21 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Commission Meeting Room

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 1:00 PM


PRESENT:                              Ben Turnipseed, Chairman

Bob Duncan, Commissioner

Charles Cook, Commissioner

Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director


ALSO PRESENT:                   Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Executive Director

                                                Janice Meridith, Executive Commission Admin.


MEDIA:                                  None Present

Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.

Chairman Turnipseed provided the invocation.


Chairman Turnipseed opened the Public Comment Period.

There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Turnipseed closed the Public Comment Period.


  1. Minutes from Facilities Committee Meeting September 15, 2021

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to approve the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on September 15, 2021.  Motion carried 3-0-0.


 Dunbar Creek WPCF Design-Build Contract Award – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs advised the Committee that the JWSC has identified a list of improvements needed at Dunbar Creek Water Pollution Control Facility.  These improvements include the following areas:  RAS flow control, aeration systems and controls, clarification capacity, UV disinfection capacity, tertiary filtration capacity, odor control, wastewater reuse systems and entrance roadway improvements.  The project is to be designed and constructed in two phases using the progressive design/build delivery method.  Phase One will have the selected firm prepare design to 30% complete; develop and propose a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) cost proposal for completion of Phase Two.  Phase Two will have the selected firm complete the design, perform construction and post-construction tasks, including performance testing, startup commissioning and operator training and support, if GMP price is approved and accepted by the JWSC at the conclusion of Phase One.  Mr. Burroughs provided a flow chart detailing the design/build process.  Three (3) proposals were received on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.  A three (3) member panel with representation from JWSC Operations, Engineering, and the Senior Leadership teams reviewed and scored each proposal.  Mr. Burroughs provided a copy of the combined evaluation matrix.  BRW Construction Group, LLC. received the highest average score of 93.  Phase One services from BRW Construction Group, LLC will cost $53,300.00.  The proposed overhead and fee percentages that will be added to all Phase Two services, if awarded, will be 11% and 10% respectively, and will not exceed the Guaranteed Maximum Price.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee recommend the full Commission award a contract for Phase One services for the Progressive Design/Build Services for Dunbar Creek WPCF Rehabilitation to BRW Construction, LLC in the amount of $53,300.00.  Motion carried 3-0-0.


  1. Academy Creek Influent VFD Replacement – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs informed the committee that the influent pumping station at Academy Creek takes flow from the gravity collection system and pumps into the plant processes.  There are 4 influent pumps and each of these are operated by variable frequency drives (VFDs) to allow for speed control and in-rush control.  Mr. Burroughs further noted that currently, 2 of these VFDs are inoperable.  One pump is not in the wet well at this point as it had to be sent for repairs.  A third pump is operating only in on/off mode and must be turned on manually.  These VFDs need replacing and the other 2 are nearing the end of their useful life.  Mr. Burroughs provided that staff solicited quotes from 3 electrical contractors for the replacement of the VFDs.  After reviewing the quotes, staff approached the contractor currently performing the overall plant upgrade at Academy Creek for pricing to replace all 4 VFDs.  Ruby-Collins approached their electrical subcontractor, White Electric Construction Company, about this project for pricing which came in at $138,725.00 to which Ruby-Collins would add 5% to for overhead and bonding as the prime contractor.  After prime contractor markup, the total cost for the installation of the VFDs would be $145,661.25.  All quotes were provided using the same VFD model.  Pump and Process Equipment’s quote was the lowest apparent bid.

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Facilities Committee recommend the full Commission award a contract to Pump and Process Equipment for the replacement of 4 VFDs at the Academy Creek influent pumping station in the amount of $91,988.00.  Motion Carried 3-0-0.


  1. North Mainland Water Loop Engineering Contract Award – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs provided that in the North Mainland District, there are existing areas within the water system that are isolated and challenged to provide adequate pressure on a continuous basis for the daily water demand in an event of a water main break.  There are issues with main breaks, boil water advisories, and large service areas shutting down due to one direction flow. Cross connecting within the water system by looping will increase coverage for critical fire protection and allow for residential and commercial owners to have reliable and ample access to a dependable water source managed by the JWSC.  Design and construction management services are needed at this time to meet the next overall project milestone.  Mr. Burroughs described the three project locations where the loops will be designed:

  • Approximately 1,100 LF of proposed water line loop on Hautala Drive connecting existing 12-inch on Cate Road to existing 16-inch on Old Jesup Road.
  • Approximately 1,100 LF and 3,000 LF of proposed water line loop on Bailey Road and Old Jesup Road connecting existing 12-inch Perry Lane Road to existing 8-inch stub out near the intersection of Old Jesup Road/New Jesup Road and 16-inch stub out near the intersection of Lillie Way/Old Jesup Road.
  • Approximately 500 LF of proposed water line loop connecting existing 8-inch stub out on Millenium Blvd. to stub out near the intersection of Perry Lane Road/Venture Drive.

Eight proposals were received on October 5, 2021.  A three member panel with representation from JWSC Operations, Engineering, and the Senior Leadership teams reviewed and scored each proposal.  Mr. Burroughs provided a copy of the combined evaluation matrix for the committee’s review.  Four Waters Engineering, Inc. was the highest scoring proposal at 90.7.  Funding will come from the R&R Reserve as part of the 2021 Capital Projects Plan.

 Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee recommend the full Commission award a contract for Engineering Services to Four Waters Engineering in the amount of $214,000.00 for the North Mainland Water Loops Project.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

5.  PS4044 Engineering Contract Award – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs advised the committee that JWSC had previously received an Unsolicited Proposal from a developer who was part-way through the engineering phase of their project and decided not to complete their project.  JWSC staff received an engineering and construction administration services proposal letter dated September 30, 2021, from Lovell Engineering Associates, PC which included the proposal request for funding and time in the Contract lump sum amount of $71,750.00 with the 145 days for design services and six months expected for construction duration.  The Engineering Consultant is responsible for quality and complete of bid-ready (permit approved) design package as requested by JWSC for construction project advertisement.  The Scope of Services shall include, but not be limited to the following:  Geotechnical Services, ASTM Phase I Environmental Assessment, Surveying Services, Design Phase Services, Permitting Phase Services, Bidding Phase Services, and Construction Phase Services including on-site inspection for the Pump Station 4044 to be rehabilitated in the North Mainland District.  The Engineering Consultant proposes the Design Phase Services to be completed in 145 days upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed setting out the agreed lump sum for such services.  The Engineering Consultant shall assist the JWSC in securing, evaluating, and awarding the successful bid for the construction of the Project based upon the Construction Documents.  The Engineering Consultant shall also provide professional services during construction to assist in obtaining a complete project in accordance with the purpose and intent of the Construction Division.  Mr. Burroughs stated that after reviewing the proposal, staff recommended moving forward with an award to Lovell Engineering Associates, PC in the amount of $71,750.00.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee recommend the full Commission award a contract for Engineering Services to Lovell Engineering Associates, PC in the amount of $71,750.00 for Pump Station 4044 Rehab Project.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. Dunbar Creek Aeration Basin No. 2 Bid Rejection – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs informed the committee that the Dunbar Creek Aeration Basin No. 2 Painting Project scope of work includes all labor and materials for the interior and exterior cleaning, repair, and repainting of the existing above-ground steel tank. The aeration basin serves as part of the biological treatment system for the Dunbar Creek WPCF.  The WPCF has two aeration basins and has been operating successfully with only one basin in service for several months.  While the steel tank was out of service, staff thought the tank should be resurfaced before placing it back into service.  Two bids were received on October 5, 2021 in the amounts of $773,930.00 from BRW Construction Group, LLC and $790,500.00 from Worldwide Industries Corporation.  Depending on the selected design-build team for the Dunbar Creek WPCF Rehabilitation Project, there could have been up to $396,700.00 in available funding to complete the tank painting project.  This available funding amount is in line with unit costs for the elevated storage tank painting projects at Prince Street and Demere Road.  The pricing for the two bids received exceed the available funds for this work.  Further noted, adjustment of the quantities to come within available funds is not feasible.  Staff recommended rejecting all bids.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee recommend the full Commission reject all bids for IFB No. 22-006 Dunbar Creek Aeration Basin No. 2 Painting due to insufficient funds being allocated for the project.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

 7. Infrastructure Dedication – St. Francis Xavier Church Annex – T. Kline

Mr. Kline presented a dedication of infrastructure to the committee.  St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Brunswick added an Annex that completed construction in March of 2019.  The Catholic Archdiocese of Savannah desired to dedicate the infrastructure which has been incomplete pending accurate Final Record Drawings.  Mr. Kline noted that in lieu of those record drawings, JWSC secured the signature of the Utility Contractor, Woodard Construction, on construction as-builts and has a complete Final inspection from the JWSC Inspector.  All requirements of the BGJWSC Standards for Water & Sewer Design and Construction and Development Procedures have been met, and all related documents submitted.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee forward the above described dedication to the full Commission for approval and acceptance.  Motion carried 3-0-0.



  1. Wastewater Flow Reports – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs reviewed the Wastewater Flow Reports with the Committee.  This report contains data regarding the influent and effluent flows, concentration of elements and chemicals, plant capacity, etc.   The influent flow at Academy Creek was at 7.4 MGD and the effluent flow was 7.8 MGD, with the plant operating at 58% of its capacity for the month of September.  The dryer at Academy Creek has been down, and the amount of sludge taken to the landfill was discussed.  Chairman Turnipseed questioned if a back-up dryer should be considered.  Mr. Burroughs will gather information for a cost comparison between what it would cost to have a back-up dryer and the cost of a new dryer system. The influent flow at Dunbar Creek was at 2.7MGD and the effluent flow was 3.1 MGD, with the plant operating at 78% capacity during the month of September.  The influent flow at South Port was at 0.420 MGD and the effluent flow was at 0.484 MGD, with the plant operating at 29% capacity and consistent with the months of July and August.  JWSC’s wastewater treatment plants are operating very well and are within permit limits.


  1. Project Report – T. Kline / A. Burroughs

Mr. Kline gave an update on the Project Report for projects currently in process.  The Committee Members were provided with a packet containing: the Capital Project Photographs for each project, the Capital Project Report Spreadsheet, the Capital Project Gantt Chart indicating project timelines, and also the Earned Value Analysis Report.  Mr. Kline and Mr. Burroughs thoroughly presented the update by discussing each project along with excellent photographs and descriptive details of the current status. The photographs taken at Pump Station 4035 included visuals of the wet well being painted.  The outside aesthetics were mentioned and consideration to have a black vinyl fencing installed was discussed.  The photographs taken of Pump Station 4003 provided excellent views of the upgrades which were 98% complete.

Chairman Turnipseed asked if there was any further business for discussion.

There being no further Committee business, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 2:45 p.m.







  1. Ben Turnipseed, Chairman



Janice Meridith,

Executive Commission Administrator