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Facilities Committee Minutes – June 9, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from June 9, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Ronald Perry, Chairman

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Acting Director

Harry Patel, Engineer


Clifford Adams, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                  

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

Janice Meridith, Procurement

Matt Lemke, Fleet Manager                                                                                           

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period.


Minutes from April 14, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to adopt the minutes of the April 14, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting. Motion approved 3-0-1 (Commissioner Adams was absent for the vote).


Surplus Inventory Update – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the committee on the surplus inventory items. There are items on the GovDeals website and will end next week.  She stated that Janice Meridith has done a great job on uploading, managing and monitoring the items.   There have been approximately 342 views on the generator items.  One of the biggest challenges are determining what the reasonable market value is.  Pam continued stating the decision was to start small and the next item will be the Vac-Con truck.  Janice stated the site is very easy to use and there have been very good trackable questions on the items.  There was additional discussion on the trailers.

Generator Update – P. Crosby/M. Lemke

Pam Crosby presented the Generator Update spreadsheet with Matt Lemke and sated Yancey CAT was also present for todays’ meeting. The columns were explained and included: Mobile or Static, Current Status, Today’s Value, Replacement Value; Repairs for 2015, Repairs 2016.  The primary reason for this discussion today is to consider a Customer Service Agreement for maintenance.  A list of generators were provided and it was stated that they have been evaluated and up and running.  The additional columns in the list were discussed as to how often these generators would need servicing.  The staff is looking at a Customer Service Agreement (CSA) for each piece of equipment.  As Cityworks comes on board we will need to put PM inspection on the equipment, for example, start-up once a week type checks.  These items need to be captured and work orders will be expected in maintaining the equipment.  Matt also stated the hours that these generators run need to be monitored and recorded.  Many maintenance items are done in house but a CSA can prolong the life of equipment.  Annual load banks were then discussed and Freddie Solomon, Fleet Manager from Yancey, shared the importance of this process.  Mr. Solomon explained the importance of a load bank test as to simulate a load on a generator.  The most important part to a generator is the engine and it is necessary to take the engine through the steps of a load and everything is checked to make sure it is fully functional.  You want the generator to show its weakness while performing a load bank test and is recommended annually.  There was additional discussion on mobile generators, automatic start up generators, TMR, and fuel needed.  Within the CSA there is a defined scope of work to include fluids, filters and standard items and would provide a discount on repairs and parts.  Blake Whittenberg, Sales Rep at Yancey, discussed the working process and the goal to add value to the JWSC equipment.

Vehicle RFP Update – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the Committee on the preliminary Vehicle RFP status. She stated these were listed as a bid and are not based on just a price.  This list of vehicles and details was shared.  It was noted that a representative from Jacksonville, FL was present during the bid proposal reading.  There were no GM or local Ford dealership bids received.  Matt Lemke had reached out to anticipated bidders prior in order to address questions or concerns.  As previously noted, staff encouraged local business participation.  In addition, Matt worked closely with staff to narrow down requirements needed for vehicles.  Janice Meridith was instrumental in the administrative work on posting, addendums and communicating to encourage participation.  It was noted that 26-28 recipients of the RFP were contacted to discuss their expressed interest in bidding for the vehicles.

 Pump Station 2032 Engineering RFP Update – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby stated the proposals for engineering and design services were received this week.  They will be evaluated by a team and compare to the required criteria.  The goal is to have the recommendation for award next week in order to get project moving.   There were a couple of firms that did not want to respond to this RFP due to their workload and timelines and the public relations and complexity of the project.  Pam stated that engineering should not be judged on price along but they did have a large range of prices.


  • Monday 6/13 @ 8:30 Remediation update and walk-through Academy Creek.
  • Property deed for the parking lot is complete. Trees will be removed shortly.
  • The annex at the end is working well with vendor visits and extra classroom. Thanks to Janice for working hard to get the facility up and running.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:51 pm.