Facilities Committee Minutes – July 9, 2015
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from July 9, 2015:
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
Ronald Perry, Committee Chair
David Ford, Commissioner
Steve Swan, Executive Director
Todd Kline, Senior Engineer
Clifford Adams, Commissioner
Also Present:
Donald Elliott, Commissioner
Thomas Boland, Commissioner
John Donaghy, Finance Director
Jay Sellers, Operations Analyst
Chairman Perry called the meeting to order 2:00 PM
There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period.
Commissioner Ford made a motion and seconded by Commissioner Boland to adopt the minutes from the June 11, 2015 meeting. Motion carried 2-0-1.
Leased Radio Space at Dunbar Creek – S. Swan
Steve Swan shared the letter from Wesley Cox on 1100 Talk Radio regarding leasing tower space at Dunbar Creek. Mr. Cox stated a desire to lease space as previously stated in a conversation last summer. Mr. Swan discussed with Data Flow System and they recommend not allowing additional antennas on the Dunbar Towers for reasons that it would affect our SCADA System and could cause a liability. A lease would require access to the building and facility and was stated it was just not a good idea. There are other ways for stations to obtain space to lease. It was noted that no action from the committee was needed.
Restaurant Grease trap – S. Swan
Steve Swan shared the letter from Mr. Hathaway regarding the Water Use Ordinance for restaurants. This letter address 2 issues and Angela Walker, JWSC Pretreatment Compliance Coordinator, can help address to the committee. Angela Walker addressed the Committee and stated the same size of trap issue has been brought up before with Subways. There is a part of the Ordinance that allows an alternative and is also in our standards for pre-approved devices. She continued to state that there is a problem with the location as it shares a line with the Chinese Restaurant. Unfortunately these types of in-door traps require to be closely monitored and additional manpower. The other issue is measures of enforcement. Angela stated we do have a grease problem and we are holding businesses to a standard. There are plans to present to schools which will help educate students and encourage public awareness on grease and F.O.G.
Update of Harrington Parking – T. Kline
Todd Kline updated the committee on the S. Harrington Parking area. The Water Distribution of JWSC submitted a plan on May 15 to the county to pave the parking area but is held up at this time. Todd Kline updated the committee on the other Planning & Construction projects which were explained and clearly identified. It was recommended that this report be put before the board and the commission meeting.
Director’s Update
Steve Swan updated the committee on several items:
- Master Plan meeting planned for August 5th with Angela Bryan, Four Waters and Andy Burnham, Burton & Associates. This would require the full Commission and will be a work day beginning at 9 am.
- New Gas Tax effecting the city and county excise tax.
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for New Building scheduled for July 29 at 11:30 – 2 pm.
- Sea Island expanding sewer system. Kirk is monitoring.
- Utility at FLETC has been moved to a priority. It was agreed that FLETC will be responsible for 4 inch and smaller lines on their property. Locating the lines will require an outside company to assist JWSC.
- Brunswick News and The Islander wrote articles regarding the low pressure system and Epworth Acres.
- Georgia Association of Water Professionals Conference on July 12 – 15. Steve and Todd are planning to attend.There being no other business to bring before the Committee, the Chairman Perry adjourned the meeting at 3:14 pm.