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Facilities Committee Minutes – August 16, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from August 16, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Ronald Perry, Chairman

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director                                


Robert Bowen, Commissioner

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                 

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

Kirk Young, Systems Pumping & Maintenance

Charles Dorminy, Legal Counsel

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order at 3:23 PM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period.


Minutes from July 14, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to adopt the minutes of the July 14, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion approved 4-0-0.

PS 2032 Pipe Pre-Purchase – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby discussed the pre-purchase pipe for PS 2032. The Finance Committee earlier today approved pursuing taking bids for the pre-purchase force main pipe which include 16” HDPE pipe.  It was stated in the Finance Committee meeting prior that this project is in the engineering phase and won’t go out for bid for construction until mid-October. The contract will be awarded possibly in December.  While checking into the suppliers for the material needed there could be lead times of 6 – 8 weeks.  Due to the holidays it could delay construction time.  The contract documents would include language for delivery of the product and installation.  The reason for this suggested pre-purchase process is to help accelerate the time-line and to not get behind schedule.  Legal Counsel has been informed and does not believe there should be a problem incorporating into the contract documents.  This request is being recommended to the Finance Meeting for approval and then on to the full Commission.  

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to forward to the full Commission to initiate JWSC seeking quotes for the purchase of the 16” HDPE pipe for further review and approval. Additionally, JWSC staff will work with legal counsel to craft contract language to support contractor installation of the 16” HDPE pipe that would maintain all warranties and claims on the work performed.  Motion approved 4-0-0.

Lift Station Bypass Pump – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented the Bypass Pump approval item to the Facilities Committee. The final ‘not to exceed’ dollar amount was 1.25M for pumps to alleviate the problems.  Earlier today Kirk Young presented to the Finance Committee and he stated the staff has discussed what relatively quick fixes can be applied in areas that have been identified with problems.  Kirk had explained that the request for approval is to acquire permanent mount diesel fire pumps that we can incorporate as part of a long term plan.  The staff recommends that JWSC rent pumps on a short term plan until the more permanent pumps are ordered and installed.  This will provide capacity soon which could be a number of weeks to a month.  The request today is asking for authorization for rental for short term and best price to purchase for long term.  This pump was also used at LS2030.  In the Godwin document they offer a percentage of the rental monies to go towards the purchase price of a new pump.  It was stated that it is within the Executive Directors authority to sign off on the rental of a pump.  The standard delivery time for a purchase would be 8 weeks but not to exceed 12 weeks.

Commissioner Boland made a motion second by Commissioner Elliott to send to the full Commission authorizing the rental of two (2) bypass pumps not to exceed 12 weeks and not to exceed $1,250,000 for LS2032 while waiting for the purchased pumps to arrive. Motion approved 4-0-0.

 N. Mainland Additional Taps – T. Kline / Harry Patel

Todd Kline discussed the N. Mainland Additional Taps. This is a moving item and is planned for next Thursday for approval.  The staff and Commissioner Boland have looked at 2032 on SSI and the lift stations on the mainland that have capacity issues.  The pumps that were just approved will help with the long range program.  Commissioner Elliott discussed the construction standards and the peeking factors.  Yesterday a meeting was held with 4 Waters, JWSC staff, and the Commissioners to better understand the Master Plan.  Todd discussed the standards and what the EPD regulates us operationally and for design.  The 10-state standards were discussed in addition to what JWSC uses and what the Master Plan was based on.  The safety factors are applied to design.  The briefing from 4 Waters provided a better understanding of the grading of our systems and used population studies and actual measure flows.  Harry Patel discussed the Brunswick Area Transportation Study (BATS) and Population Estimates by Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) which determined the total existing base population.  He continued with the calculation of peeking factor example and explained how the accurate number could be determined.  It was recommended to present the approval document to the full Commission on Thursday.

Amendment of CIF Language – Comm. Elliott

Commissioner Elliott stated this was discussed in the Finance Committee meeting earlier today. It was stated in the combined meeting earlier that a further amendment is required to Sections IV (e).  Section IV (e) is currently written as: Capital improvement fees must be paid prior to, or concurrent with, the JWSC’s approval of construction plans for the capacity required.  The required capacity will be reserved for that property.

The Committee members recommended forwarding to the full Commission for approval that the JWSC accept the second amendment to Section IV of the Rate Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. All agreed 4-0-0.


Hawkins Island Deed – Comm. Boland

Commissioner Boland updated the Committee on the Hawkins Island 3 lift stations. It was stated that the deeds only included 2 and there was a request that JWSC take over the remaining one.  Charlie Dorminy stated there was an easement survey performed by Shupe Survey which was used to draft the deed.  It was noted that JWSC previously requested that the deed issued be corrected and it was not done.  Kirk Young stated that one lift station is in question as to the documentation and the easement survey.  The Lake Cottages on Sea Island Road was also discussed as being treated as a private system.  It was stated that an official note or letter could be written to take over the property.  It was recommended to forward to the full Commissioner for discussion.

Processing CIF Requests in No Capacity Basins – Comm. Elliott

Commissioner Elliott explained the capacity issue and the concern that when capacity increases that some individuals will want to buy all that is available. It was discussed that if someone is ready to use it – a time criteria must be established.  It was noted that staff will need to come forward with a recommendation and confirm this is a viable way to handle capacity with the assistance of legal counsel.  JWSC should not be held accountable for holding tap connections indefinitely.  It was recommended to let the county know about upcoming capacity and that this is how it will be managed.  It was discussed that a work session could be held around the 15th of September to discuss the priority of effort and a financial plan to support it.  The maximum allowance was discussed as well as Dunbar Creeks capacity.  The number of permits allowed each year have been about 1,200.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:58 pm.