Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 19, 2019
For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 3:00 p.m.
Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes 6-19-19 with Attachments
to read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.
Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Commission Meeting Room
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 3:00 PM
G. Ben Turnipseed, Chairman
Steve Copeland, Commissioner
Bob Duncan, Commissioner
Andrew Burroughs, Interim Executive Director
Donald Elliott, Commissioner
Todd Kline, Director of Engineering
Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator
Taylor Cooper, The Brunswick News
Pamela Permar-Shierling, The Islander
Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.
Chairman Turnipseed provided the invocation.
There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Commissioner Turnipseed closed the Public Comment Period.
- Minutes from Facilities Committee Meeting June 5, 2019
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to approve the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on June 5, 2019. Motion carried 3-0-0.
- SR27 Resurfacing Contract Agreement – A. Burroughs
Chairman Turnipseed provided that JWSC has a current agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation for SR27 resurfacing for which the actual bid cost came in at about $24,000 higher than the original estimated cost.
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to move that the Facilities Committee amend the SR27 Resurfacing Project funding to a total amount of $102,000.00 and that this project funding approval be forwarded to the full Commission for approval contingent upon Finance Committee approval.
Commissioner Duncan questioned if the amount of the increase was just the unit cost increase, and Mr. Burroughs advised there was no increase in the scope of work and this was the bid price on the unit costs.
Commissioner Duncan then asked if this was directionally what’s occurring on the DOT projects or from a construction activity in our region. Mr. Burroughs commented that he believed the limited amount of contractors who could handle this DOT project likely played a role in the price coming in higher than expected. Commissioner Duncan then asked about using these unit costs provided and as we move forward on other similar type projects if we will have better unit pricing for estimations. Mr. Burroughs advised that tracking of unit costs on bids is kept and this information will be kept and used also.
Motion carried 3-0-0.
3. Mainland Smoke Testing Project Budget Approval– A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs recalled for the committee that the smoke and dye testing had been done on St. Simons Island and that prior to doing that part of the study, flow monitoring was done to determine which of the basins needed smoke testing. He advised that the same study will be done on the mainland, however will include only the smoke testing and will not include flow monitoring which will save about $300,000.00. Staff will be able to analyze the pump run times on the mainland to determine which basins to smoke test.
Commissioner Copeland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Facilities Committee approve project funding in the amount of $325,000.00 for the Mainland Smoke Testing project and that this project funding approval be forwarded to the full Commission for approval contingent upon Finance Committee approval.
Mr. Burroughs provided that this study will include more than twice the amount of linear feet of pipe than what was done on the Island. Two maps were included for review of the basins in Brunswick and the North Mainland. Chairman Turnipseed inquired as to the RFP being sent out and what happens if the bids are higher than the approved budget amount of $325K for the project. Mr. Burroughs noted that staff can either come back to the committee to ask for a budget increase or remove some of the footage from the project scope to reduce the cost and prioritizing the basins that have the highest flow. Chairman Turnipseed asked how many basins will be looked at for this study, and Mr. Burroughs advised there are 25. The chairman suggested breaking down the group of basins where some could be removed from the scope if needed. Mr. Burroughs advised staff will obtain a price per linear foot and also include language in the RFP indicating that some basins might not be done based on budget. The committee discussed the options of how to request the pricing information in the RFP in the case that not all basins are included. The RFP is expected to go out in July and the study is expected to begin by the end of the year.
Motion carried 3-0-0.
- SPLOST 2016 North Mainland CIPP Contract Award – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs advised that about 7,800 feet of 30 inch concrete pipe, 425 feet of 42 inch concrete pipe, and approximately 70 manholes will be repaired by CIPP. He noted that the unit cost for point repairs was included in case they are needed. Five firms provided bids of which the lowest apparent bid came from Inland Pipe Rehabilitation Southeast out of North Georgia. Mr. Burroughs mentioned that the design engineer for the project, Thomas & Hutton submitted a letter recommending IPR and noted that have worked with them in the past and approved and recommended their work. IRP also had a more cost effective manhole rehab set-up. The bid from IPR came in at just under $100K what was expected. Mr. Burroughs commented that with the bid coming in lower than expected there is a chance that the available SPLOST funds may cover the total amount of the project. The project is expected to start by August 1st and the 120 day contract should be done by the end of November. IPR Southeast, LLC is offering a guarantee for 10 years including product quality and craftsmanship.
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to move that the Facilities Committee approve the award of a contract to IPR Southeast, LLC in the amount of $2,550,519.00 for CIPP sewer main gravity and manhole repairs as part of the 2016 SPLOST North Mainland Project and forward to the full Commission for approval. Motion carried 3-0-0.
- WPCF Plant Flows Report – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs reviewed the reports for the plant flows for Academy Creek, Dunbar Creek and Southport Wastewater Treatment Plants with the Commissioners. He advised that the month of May was dry and it could be seen by the reduced flows from the treatment plants and noted that with less fluids the influent concentrations are higher. Mr. Burroughs provided that all three plants are operating well within permit levels and operating at below capacity.
- Project Report – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs stated that he has received the draft version of the Sewer Expansion Study from Georgia Water Environmental Services for his comments. They provided some cost figures for providing water and sewer services to the three unserved areas identified for the study. Mr. Burroughs noted that the rough draft of the Odor Control Study was due by Friday from Stantec. He added that based off preliminary findings it appears that the best course of action at Academy Creek would be to cover up the wet well and put in a vapor phase system. It does not appear to be cost effective to put in chemicals upstream due to the volume it would require to remove the sulfides. Upstream treatment can be done for odor control, however at the treatment plant there would not be much of an impact treating with the chemicals. Mr. Burroughs commented that on the wastewater treatment plant rehab, the kickoff meeting will be held on Monday with Goodwyn, Mills, Cawood. The Sea Palms Water and Sewer Rehab Project will go out for bid ASAP. Todd Kline reported on PS4021 project and provided his recommended to go with duplex pumps to lessen the amount of work needed on pipes there with less construction and disturbance for the businesses there. The advertising package should be ready in 30 days. Mr. Kline also updated the committee on the Magnolia Park Project that staff is coordinating with City of Brunswick. Do have determination from the City on the cost sharing expected. Design plans are essentially complete and the City plans to go out for bid soon. Mr. Burroughs advised that as a part of the North Mainland Project, we now have a better indication of where the Canal Road Widening Project is going from Glynn County’s perspective. Now that we have that information we will start seeing some progress on the Canal Road to Glynco 12 inch loop that has been planned for and was held up due to not knowing the final plans the County had for widening the road. Chairman Turnipseed asked Mr. Burroughs if he could give the committee an idea of the number of leaks per mile on the transite pipes in Sea Palms. Mr. Burroughs noted he could provide those numbers. Chairman Turnipseed requested an update on the L Street Project. Mr. Kline advised the site meeting was held this week. The waterline is just past Bartow. Challenges have been recognized with existing infrastructure mainly with gas lines. The gas company is working on their lines while the roads are under construction which has caused the City to fall behind in following JWSC in the roadwork.
There being no further committee business, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 3:33 p.m.