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Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes – July 15, 2020

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.

Facilities Committee Minutes 7-15-20 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Commission Meeting Room

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM 



Ben Turnipseed, Chairman

Bob Duncan, Commissioner

Charles Cook, Commissioner (via Microsoft Teams)

Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director (via Microsoft Teams)                                   

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel, H.B.S.

Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Director

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

 Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator

MEDIA PRESENT:               

None Present                                     

Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.

Chairman Turnipseed provided the invocation.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Turnipseed closed the Public Comment Period.


  1. Minutes from Facilities Committee Meeting June 17, 2020

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to approve the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on June 17, 2020.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. Arco Engineering Contract Award – T. Kline

Mr. Kline briefly explained the background information related to the Arco Engineering Contract Award.  He noted that the Request for Proposal on the Arco Project Engineering Services was released on May 12, 2020.  The scope of work was to design water and sewer systems to the unserved customers in the boundary area from 5th Street to the south, Whitlock Street to the east, Newcastle Street to the west, and the Norfolk Southern rail spur to the north.  Georgia Water Environmental Services completed a study for JWSC in 2019 and identified 268 unserved parcels within these boundaries.  Mr. Kline detailed the eight tasks that were included in the RFP and designated for this project and identified the timing for each of these tasks to be completed.  Seventeen firms attended the mandatory pre-proposal teleconference on May 27th, and eight of those firms responded to the RFP with proposals.  Staff reviewed the proposals and recommended moving forward with an award to Thomas & Hutton Engineering Company in the amount of $388,340.00.  The amount and timeline for completion of services is in line with staff estimates, due to construction phase services being included in the firm’s proposal total.  This project is part of the 2020 Capital Projects Plan with an approved funding amount of $300,000 for the engineering portion of the project.  Thomas & Hutton’s proposal includes services during construction in the amount of $115,700, which will not be paid until construction begins.  Mr. Kline provided that these services during construction are included in the construction budget.  The design and bid phase services total $272,640, leaving $27,360 in the engineering budget.  Mr. Kline noted that Chris Stovall from Thomas & Hutton was present along with a colleague to answer any questions the Commissioners may have.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee recommend approval to the full Commission of the contract award for Engineering Services for Arco Area Water & Sewer Extension to Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. in the amount of $388,340.00.

Commissioner Cook asked what the residents of the 268 parcels in the area are doing at the present time for water and sewer services.  Chairman Turnipseed replied that some have public water services, and Mr. Kline added that it was about 50% or better that have public water.  The Chairman stated that everyone in the area are on septic tanks for sewer.  Commissioner Cook then asked if there was going to be a charge for the users to connect into the system, and the Chairman responded that has not been decided yet.  He added that JWSC has applied for some grant and loan assistance on this project.

Chairman Turnipseed asked Chris Stovall from Thomas & Hutton if they were going to be surveying for the sewage lines only in the streets and noted that JWSC wants those lines to be run in the most cost effective place.  Mr. Stovall provided that there would be an initial meeting to determine where the best place to go is and added that he and Mr. Burroughs had already discussed it.  Mr. Stovall stated that it would cost more to run the lines down the street due to repaving and if there were opportunities to go through the existing easements that will definitely be looked at.  He noted that there may be only a few spots that this can be done in and in the first look at the project most of the lines are going to have to go in the streets.  The Chairman asked what the right of way was in the area, and Mr. Stovall replied it was 50 to 60 feet.  He added that the sewer lines were going to have to go down the middle of the streets in some locations, and the water lines would be able to go off the edge of the streets.  With the alleys there being only 15 to 20 feet wide it would be difficult work down the alleys as well, and it would have to be decided which is the best way to go.  Chairman Turnipseed then asked Mr. Burroughs if the original cost estimate included all the pavement removal.  Mr. Burroughs provided that it included pavement removal and repaving of those roads, and that the original cost estimate of the study determined it would cost about $3.5M of which over half of that was paving.

Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. Advanced Metering Infrastructure & Meter Data Management System Contract – L. Roberts

Mrs. Roberts provided that she had included the background and staff report from the time this item was brought before the Commission on March 19, 2020 in the memo.  At that meeting the Executive Director was authorized to negotiate a contract with Delta Municipal Supply Company.  Since that time, they had been in contact with Delta and discussed how the cost of the project could be divided between a lump sum and a “not-to-exceed” value, and how JWSC proceeds from the pilot project phase into the subsequent phases.  Mrs. Roberts stated that some language had been added to the draft contract that specifically speaks to those items.  She added that Exhibit A contained the Scope of Work, and Exhibit B which is the Schedule and Compensation.   She directed the Committee to Exhibit B and pointed out the statement, “The Company has committed to at least 48 months beyond the conclusion of the Pilot Project and holding their price firm for JWSC.”  Another point addressed was the Pilot Project and what was considered to be successful and how to move forward from the Pilot Project into subsequent phases.  Paragraph three addresses the issue of what happens if the work is completed on one phase prior to the initial completion date shown in the Agreement, and that allows JWSC to move forward to the subsequent phases without changing other provisions of the Agreement.  Mrs. Roberts also directed the Committee to the Schedule of Pricing showing the pricing for labor and material prices for those “not-to-exceed” values.  Additionally the rest of Exhibit B contained lump sum pricing and not-to-exceed pricing.  The amount staff is requesting authorization for at this meeting is a total of $14,105,363.20 of which $99,337.50 is the initial Pilot Project Phase.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee recommend that the full Commission review and approve the contract for Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Meter Data Management System to be awarded to Delta Municipal Supply Co. in the amount of $14,105,363.20.

Commissioner Duncan asked if in looking at the information for the number of units based on size, i.e. 5/8” and 1”, for each of the years does JWSC have the opportunity to adjust those throughout the project if it is deemed that it is better to move some activities forward and some back.  Mrs. Roberts replied yes, and added, in the language about moving from phase to phase it allows JWSC the opportunity that if the project is ahead of schedule JWSC can continue to move ahead of schedule, it can be done through the supplier.  She said that if JWSC wants to change the quantities, it can be done but those numbers were based on the existing meters within the system now and staff believes these are the quantities that will need to be provided, and added that if those quantities do vary change orders can be issued, or if we have the “not-to-exceed” funding to purchase those additional meters, it can be done.  Commissioner Duncan asked if the Commission decided to move forward the larger meters, i.e. 4” or more, can that be done, and Mrs. Roberts advised it could.

Chairman Turnipseed asked if the contractor had seen the draft of the contract and all of the conditions, and Mrs. Roberts replied they have and are accepting of all the conditions.  The Chairman then asked Mrs. Roberts to advise where the funding would come from.  She responded that the initial phase would come from the reserve funding and subsequent phases would be paid for with a GEFA loan.  Chairman Turnipseed asked what the status of the GEFA loan is.  Mrs. Roberts said that application process has not opened yet.  The Chairman questioned if JWSC does not receive the GEFA loan for some reason if the contract can be terminated, and Mrs. Roberts advised yes, unless JWSC decided to use other funding.  The Chairman then asked if they had discussed the GEFA loan covering a five year project, and Mrs. Roberts advised that it would require two GEFA loans so there would be two, two year applications.  Chairman Turnipseed asked if there would be any loan forgiveness, and Mrs. Roberts replied yes there would.  Mr. Burroughs added that there would also be a one percentage point reduction on the interest rate due to the water conservation aspect.  The Chairman asked if this would be a fifteen year payback, and Mr. Burroughs advised they had looked at a fifteen year payback given the life span of the assets being somewhere between fifteen and twenty years, and they did not want a loan payback longer than the life of the asset.

Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. Infrastructure Dedication – T. Kline

Mr. Kline provided that this was an infrastructure dedication along with an easement in a private development.  The infrastructure was put in the ground by the developer in the small subdivision on St. Simons Island called Couper Place.  He added that this was a typical thing that happens at the end of a developer project if the water and sewer is to be turned over to JWSC for ownership and maintenance.  One easement was required in the cul-de-sac for the water line.  Mr. Kline noted that there were exhibits attached to the packet for the Commissioners’ reference.

Chairman Turnipseed asked if these customers are on sewer, and Mr. Kline advised they are on water and sewer.  Commissioner Cook asked what the Utility does during the time that the developer is putting in the infrastructure.  Mr. Kline provided that for all water and sewer infrastructure, no matter whether it is private or ultimately to become part of the JWSC System as a public asset, JWSC is charged with ensuring that the water and sewer infrastructure is put into the ground per not only State minimum standards, but also per JWSC’s minimum standards.  During construction JWSC is involved with it all along the way doing construction observations, he added that there is a pre-con kick-off meeting with JWSC and the developer(s) prior to the start of the construction typically with every project depending on size; minor projects, no.  This one did have a pre-con kick-off meeting.  JWSC is with the contractor and developer every step along the way, for one reason is not only to ensure that the water and sewer infrastructure is put into the ground correctly per the approved plan per the standards, but for the record drawings which are very important for those who come behind us since the pipes cannot be seen under the ground.  Mr. Kline added that the mapping is very important too.  He continued that along the way, JWSC is observing officially only, but to ensure JWSC knows where the lines are and GPS’ing certain critical components and comparing that to the record drawings.  JWSC also has to be sure that the infrastructure that goes into the ground meets JWSC standards, especially if it is going to be maintained by JWSC it must be done correctly.  Commissioner Cook questioned if JWSC has inspectors on-site, taking photographs, and making sure that it is up to specs and what JWSC required. Mr. Kline replied yes, and added that JWSC gives it a project code for tracking JWSC’s staff time to that project.  JWSC is invested along the way to ensure that the infrastructure is put in correctly.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee recommend that the full Commission review and approve the documents supporting acceptance of infrastructure and conveyance of water easement for Couper Place as public for ownership, operation and maintenance.  Motion carried 3-0-0.


  1. Magnolia Park Contract Changes – C. Dorminy

Mr. Dorminy advised that this discussion item relates to the Magnolia Park Water System Improvements MOU with the City that was considered by JWSC earlier this year.  This Project is for roadway and drainage improvements within the Magnolia Park Subdivision, and also for replacing water system infrastructure by JWSC.  Previously JWSC had entered into a MOU with the City to cost-share for the Engineering Services to design, bid and manage the contract.  Mr. Dorminy noted that earlier in the year staff brought an MOU related to this Project of which JWSC voted on the MOU and passed it.  The City did not ever consider the MOU, and now it has come to JWSC that the City would like to delay the Project to some extent.  JWSC has spoken with the City Engineering Division and voiced that JWSC would like to move forward on the water portion of the Project, and JWSC has proposed new timelines for the Project.  Mr. Dorminy explained that the timelines in the contract between the City and the contractor would contain liquidated damages.  The City has now advised that they would like to add to the MOU between the City and JWSC a provision regarding sharing any attorney’s fees or any enforcement fees, costs associated with the enforcement of the contract between the City and the contractor.  JWSC staff has considered this and he has reviewed and together they believe it is reasonable to share the costs in that regard.  Mr. Dorminy has revised the MOU to address this, however JWSC is still waiting on the City for some confirmation of a couple of items before bringing the contract back before JWSC.  Mr. Dorminy commented that this was brought before the Commission today to update the Commission and to discuss the fact that JWSC would be sharing the costs with the City regarding enforcement of the contract between the City and the contractor.  Mr. Dorminy clarified that the MOU between the City and JWSC is actually an Inter-Governmental Agreement.

2.  Wastewater Flow Reports – L. Roberts

Mrs. Roberts presented the Water Pollution Control Plants’ Flow Reports to the Committee.  For the Academy Creek Plant the rainfall for the month of June was the highest it has been for 6 months, and not only is the overall total high, but the peak daily value rainfall totals of 3.2 inches had a larger effect on the plant flows than a normal monthly rainfall would.  She noted that the overall flow for Academy Creek was at 58% capacity due to the increased rainfall.  The effluent concentrations showed increases in the total suspended solids the ammonia and the fecal coliform which were due to the high flow days from the rain.  For the Dunbar Creek Plant the flow capacity was at 90%, and staff is in the process of examining those pump run times to locate what is an apparent source of inflow and infiltration.  Mrs. Roberts moved on to the Southport Plant flow report, and provided that no sludge was hauled for the month of June due to there being adequate digester capacity, given the low flow at that particular location.  The Commissioners were then directed to the influent concentrations, and Mrs. Roberts noted that the phosphorus number was at 4.50.  Staff is treating this with the addition of alum and also monitoring this in working to decrease that value. 

  1. Project Report – T. Kline

Mr. Kline noted that there had been a previous request for pictures from the Sea Palms and Altama Avenue Lining Projects.  He provided those along with a very detailed explanation/discussion of each photograph during the update for the Sea Palms and Altama Avenue CIPP Projects. Chairman Turnipseed asked Mr. Kline if he would provide photographs of the manholes being rehabbed on Whitlock Street at the next Facilities Committee Meeting.  Mr. Kline noted that at the last meeting, a column containing the Projected Completion Date for each project was requested.  This column was added to the report for quick reference on expected completions.  Mr. Kline presented an update on each of the Projects listed on the Project Report to the Commissioners.  Commissioner Cook asked Mr. Kline if during the process for Project 906, Water Pollution Rehab at Academy Creek and Dunbar, a PowerPoint presentation of an overview of all the things that are planned to be done at the two plants could be provided, not only for the Commission but also for the community.  Mr. Burroughs agreed this could be done with all details and estimated costs for each item included, and would have that ready for the next Facilities Committee Meeting.   Commissioner Elliott asked if CIPP was a capability that JWSC should have in-house so that it is not necessary to contract this work out considering all of the pipes JWSC has in the system.  Mr. Kline provided that this would be quite an investment and also is a very skilled trade; and added that it could certainly be evaluated, however it is one large investment to be able to do CIPP in-house.  Commissioner Elliott commented that he would like someone to rough out a cost estimate to see if it made sense to do a cost-benefit analysis.  He added he doesn’t want to take something on if we are not going to be good at it, but at the same time he does not want to continue paying a lot of money to a contractor when it sounds like something we can do ourselves if we trained our people and bought the equipment.  Mr. Kline completed his discussion of the project report update.

There being no further Committee business, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 2:04 p.m.