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Customer Service & Public Communications Committee Minutes – April 15, 2014

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the  Customer Service & Public Communications Committee Meeting from April 15, 2014:

BGJWSC_Customer_Service_Public Communications_Committee_Minutes_April_15,_2014

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

Present: Sandra Dean, Chairman
Don Elliott, Commissioner

Absent: Tom Boland, Commissioner

Also Present: Steve Swan, Executive Director
John Donaghy, Director of Administration
Barbara Rogers, Clerk
Chairman Dean called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the March 18, 2014 Meeting

The minutes of the March 18, 2014 meeting were not available for approval.


Town Hall Meetings

Executive Director, Steve Swan, advised the Committee that Channel 99 has agreed to run the JWSC’s public service announcements and a display monitor is being placed in customer service with a running loop of informational subjects.

Commissioner Elliott stated he attended and spoke at the most recent RUPA meeting. He stated the new building received a lot of interest and the group was pleased upon learning it would be a profit center. Commissioner Elliott stated it is important for the Commission to take the lead in town hall meetings.

Mr. Swan updated the Committee on his recent meeting with the Board of Realtors. He discussed the current landlord program and distributed literature. Some at the meeting questioned if a line of credit could be used instead of a blanket deposit. Mr. Swan advised the Committee this would require a change to the City and County Ordinances.

Mr. Swan stated that four (4) areas have been identified where town hall meetings with residents wanting to connect to our system need to be scheduled:
• Belle Pointe
• Rose Drive
• Glyndale
• Sterling/Highway 99

Mr. Swan will set up the meetings and notifications to the residents.

There being no additional business to bring before the Committee, Chairman Dean adjourned the meeting.