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Commission Minutes – May 19, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from May 19, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing

Commissioner Boland called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge.


Jay Kaufman, Realtor – Mr. Kaufman addressed the Commission and expressed his concerns of the proposed rate increase on behalf of the Golden Isles Realtors Association. He stated as realtors they are concerned about the impact the rate increase will have on the buying and selling on the real estate market. He provided examples of costs and how it will affect construction and the average buyer and seller. He requested the rate increase be phased in over 5 years.

Jeff Bennett, Appraiser – Mr. Bennett addressed the Commission stating he is an appraiser and serves on the board of tax assessors for Glynn County. Mr. Bennet expressed concerns on how the new rate will affect the tax digest. He asked for Commission to consider the rate increase be phased in over 5 years. He stated the economy has struggled and this is something that could affect property values.

Woody Woodside, Chamber of Commerce – Mr. Woodside thanked the Commission for serving in their capacity for the community and infrastructure. He stated the enormous jump in rate increase could have a negative impact on new attraction and new investment for commercial activity. He asks that the Commission seriously consider a phase in process for a number of years. He suggested tacking expenses on to SPLOST or the bond market if possible.

The Chairman appreciated the public comments and stated they will be considered. The town hall meetings will be May 31st and June 1st and it was recommended for all to attend and express concerns.


Communications& Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

There was nothing new to report.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing new to report.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

Will discuss items during the discussion period.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

There was nothing new to report.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

There was nothing new to report.


Minutes from the May 5, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from May 5, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was not present for the vote).

It was noted that Commissioner Bowen will be delayed for this meeting.


Financial Report –April End of Month Comparative – J. Donaghy

John Donaghy updated the Commission on the balance sheet revenue and expense statement for April 30, 2016. Current assets were discussed as being up and will drop back down.  The restricted cash accounts are down and fixed assets are up due and are reflective of the withdrawal of moneys in the repair and reserve accounts for payment on construction projects in process. The revenues are below budget for the year.  The level of expenditures for this period are below budget.  The line item statement by division and project report were also discussed.  The question of overtime was discussed and it was noted that some divisions may be running overtime due to being understaffed or being on-call.  It was noted that in a previous meeting the Commission approved the transfer 1.5M to be used for capital equipment.  Those items are going forward in seeking bidders.  There are approximately 30 potential bidders.  There was additional discussion on vehicle brands, types, and sizes.

Adler Circle Additional Funding to SPLOST – T. Kline

Todd Kline discussed the Alder Circle Water Line Replacement. This project is for Water Line & Fire Protection Improvements which will replace aged 6” transite and 2” galvanized water lines.  The funding is through SPLOST V and has a balance of $178,599 allocated for Water Line Rehabilitation.  JWSC contracted with EMC Engineering for engineering design and placed together the bid package.  The county will then bid that package out for construction.  It is currently in the county’s hands for processing.  The probably cost is a bit more than the balance in SPLOST V Water Line Rehabilitation fund.  The engineers estimate is $243,000 with a difference of approximately $60,000.  Glynn County has requested a commitment from the JWSC to fund any construction cost above the available SPLOST balance.

Holly Street Engineer Service Award – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the Commission on the Holly Street Sewer Improvements Engineering Proposals. Pam stated JWSC just received and reviewed proposals for the engineering design.   JWSC will fund and handle the bidding process for the engineering.  The proposals are handed off to the County to administer the construction bidding phase.  There were six (6) respondents for this project and an evaluation was performed based on company and personnel experience, project understanding, past performance, and the fees.  JWSC would like to recommend awarding this to Hodges, Harbin, Newberry & Tribble, Inc. in the amount of $46,700.00.  Typically this amount is not required to be approved by the commission but because this is a SPLOST V funded project it is being opened up for discussion.  Some of the deciding factors this engineer was selected was due to the fact that they have a local principal that will be able to support this project and the timeline for the engineering design was the most accelerated timing to deliver.  There was additional discussion regarding the amounts and timelines and comparison to other proposals.  In-house projects to be handled by the JWSC engineering staff was considered and discussed.  The goal will be to handle these small projects in-house in the future.

There was an update on the RFP release on PS2032 for bids on Monday. The due date will be pushed to June 9th.

Town Hall Presentation Briefing – Commissioner Elliott

Commissioner Elliott updated the commission of the two (2) town hall meetings planned on May 31st and June 1st.  The draft presentation briefing was viewed by all present.  It was stated that Andy Burnham from Burton & Associates and Hawksly, Inc has put together the data information and will present their portion.  The slides were explained which provided detailed history of JWSC rate increase and organizations changes.   The Master Plan slides were discussed which included the work and areas that are severely deficient. There was discussion on SPLOST funds and the rehabilitation projects that could be paid with these funds rather than proposed rates increase to the rate payers.  It was requested to phase in at a slower rate as it may not be plausible for many people to pay the large amounts.  It was stated that currently JWSC rates are one of the lowest in the state and we live in a very growing area which places a strain on the aged system.  JWSC currently has 3 Transite pipe replacement projects amounting to approximately 80M. The discussion of possibly borrowing 1M will add $1 to the rate payers bill.  No current rate payer should have to pay for expansion.  The best option is for capital improvement fees of SPLOST funds to pay for expansion.  The manhole rehabilitation was explained as being very important due to the gases that eventually destroy them.  Much of the I&I problem is due to rain water seeping into the manholes and going to the Academy Creek facility.  Andy Burnham’s slides will be presented at the second half.  There was an explanation of the acquired county debt which JWSC is paying off.


Commissioner Boland updated the Commission on the Employee Pension meetings to be held at various JWSC locations on June 20th and June 21st and the Commissioners were invited to attend these meetings.

Interviews are planned for the Executive Director position on June 6th beginning at 9 AM and should be complete around 2 PM.  This position received approx. 35 applicants and many who were well qualified.

Commissioner Cason appreciated those present and the input from the community on these tough issues.



The Chairman stated there is no need to go into Executive Session.

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 3:50 pm.