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Commission Minutes – January 8, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from January 8, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

PRESENT:                 Dale Provenzano, Chairman

Tom Boland, Commissioner

John A. Cason, Commissioner

Sandra Dean, Commissioner

Dave Ford, Commissioner

Don Elliott, Commissioner

Ronald E. Perry, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:     Steve Swan, Executive Director

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Desiree Watson, JWSC Attorney

Barbara Rogers, Clerk

Outgoing Chairman Dale Provenzano called the meeting to order, Commissioner Perry provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge of allegiance.

Outgoing Chairman Provenzano welcomed the new Commissioners and guests.  He announced that Commissioner John Cason had been reappointed by the City of Brunswick for another term and welcomed Commissioner Allen Booker from Glynn County.


Probate Judge Debbie Howes

Clifford E. Adams

Donald M. Elliott

Ronald E. Perry

Outgoing Chairman Provenzano thanked staff and Commissioners for their continuing support and work.


Commissioner Perry nominated Commissioner Elliott to serve as Chairman for the year 2015.  No additional nominations were received.  The nomination carried 6-1-0.  (Commissioner Ford cast the opposing vote.)

Commissioner Perry nominated Commissioner Boland to serve as Vice Chairman for the year 2015.  No additional nominations were received.  The nomination carried unanimously.


Back in Session.


Chairman Elliott presented outgoing Chairman Provenzano with a plaque in appreciation for         his dedication, guidance and leadership.

Chairman Elliott made the following Commissioner appointments to Committees:

Customer Service & Public Communications Committee

Commissioner Ford, Chairman

Commissioner Booker

Commissioner Adams

Facilities Committee

Commissioner Perry, Chairman

Commissioner Adams

Commissioner Ford

Finance Committee

Commissioner Elliott, Chairman

Commissioner Perry

Commissioner Cason

Human Resources Committee

Commissioner Cason, Chairman

Commissioner Boland

Commissioner Booker

Economic Development Committee

Commissioner Elliott, Chairman

Legislative Committee

Commissioner Boland, Chairman

Commissioner Cason

Commissioner Booker

Chairman Elliott stated he would like input from the Commission on times to hold the Commission and Committee meetings.  After a short discussion, which included considering streaming videos and evening meetings, it was the general consensus to keep the same schedule at this time and have staff develop an alternative schedule.


There being no citizen that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.


1.  Minutes of the December 18, 2014 regular meeting, (subject to any necessary changes). – B. Rogers

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2014 regular meeting.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

2.  Minutes of the December 18, 2014 executive session, (subject to any necessary changes). – D. Watson

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2014 executive session.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

3.  Award of New Office Complex – S. Swan

Mr. Drexal Paulk stated the Invitation to Bid was issued on November 21, 2014 for the Administrative Offices Renovation Project.  The project includes remodeling the interior of the building, removing the drive through structure, resurfacing the front parking lot, HVAC upgrades along with electrical and plumbing work needed to meet current codes.  The bid was advertised in accordance with JWSC’s purchasing policies.  Six contractors submitted bids, three of these were deemed responsive.   Staff recommends Harper & Company builders, Inc. which submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid.

Mrs. Watson clarified the instructions contained in the bid package and discussed requirements of state law on public works projects.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to approve the award the bid for the Administrative Offices Renovation Project to Harper & Company Builders, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in the amount of $1,657,000.00 and authorize the chairman to execute the contract.  Motion carried 6-1-0.  (Commissioner Ford cast the opposing vote).

4.  Award of Frederica Road/Atlantic Drive Sewer Improvement, Phase I and Phase II – J. Hunkele

Mr. John Hunkele reviewed the background of the Frederica Road/Atlantic Drive Sewer Improvements, Phase I and II.   The invitation for Bids was advertised in accordance with JWSC’s purchasing policy and was posted on the JWSC website.  A total of twelve general contractors requested plans and bidding documents and three of those attended a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting.  Three bids were received and all appear to be reasonable and responsive.  All bidders are qualified and licensed utility contractors in the State of Georgia.  Staff recommends, subject to approval of the JWSC legal counsel, the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Plant Improvement Company, Inc., dba Seaboard Construction Company in the amount of $1,660,409.30.  Funding will be provided from the R&R fund and SPLOST IV.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to award a contract for the Frederica Road/Atlantic Drive Sewer Improvements, Phase I and II to Plant Improvement Company, Inc., dba Seaboard Construction Company the lowest responsible and responsive bidder in the amount of $1,660,409.30 and that the Chairman be authorized to execute the contract for same.  Motion carried 6-1-0.  (Commissioner Ford cast the opposing vote.)

DISCUSSION – Director’s Update

Executive Director Steve Swan advised Commissioners that communication tablets have been ordered for their use for agendas and back-up materials.  A work session has been scheduled for January 27, 2015 to receive the Condrey & Associates wage and benefit report and to meet with EPD regarding reporting procedures.  Interviews have been scheduled for the assistant engineer’s position and the JWSC is currently recruiting for inspector positions.  The appraisals are complete for the highway 99 project but have not been presented to the landowners.  Once the property owners have evaluated the offers, staff will be updating the Commission.


The JWSC members did not have any items to discuss in an Executive Session.

There being no further business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliott adjourned the meeting.