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Commission Minutes – January 8, 2014

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from January 8, 2014:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

Call to Order Invocation Pledge

Thomas A. Boland, Sr.
David H. Ford


Public Comments will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Comments are to be limited to relevant information regarding your position and should avoid being repetitious. Individuals should sign in stating your name, address and the subject matter on which you wish to speak. Your cooperation in this process will be greatly appreciated



1. Minutes of the December 19, 2013 regular meeting
2. Minutes of the December 19, 2013 executive session
3. Agreement for Legal Services



All citizens are invited to attend. There is a possibility of a quorum
of City or County Commissioners being present.

Brunswick-Glynn County
Joint Water and Sewer Commission
700 Gloucester Street
Third Floor Conference Room
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 3:00 P.M.


PRESENT: Ronald E. Perry, Chairman
Thomas A. Boland, Commissioner
John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner
Sandra J. Dean, Commissioner
Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner
David H. Ford, Commissioner
Dale Provenzano, County Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT: John D. Donaghy, Interim Director/Chief Financial Officer
Desiree E. Watson, JWSC Attorney
Barbara Rogers, JWSC Acting Clerk

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order and Commissioner Provenzano provided the invocation and led the pledge.

Thomas A. Boland, Sr.
David H. Ford


Back In Session


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period.

There were no Committee Reports for the Commission.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to add to the Approval Agenda the endorsement of the City’s application to Georgia DNR for federal funding to perform a Storm Water Utility Feasibility Study. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Commissioner Dean made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to add to the Approval Agenda the request to change the terms of elected and appointed Commission members. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Chairman Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dean to add to the Agenda election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2014. Motion carried 7-0-0.


Storm Water Utility Feasibility Study

John Donaghy addressed the Commission to request support for the City’s application to Georgia DNR for federal funding to perform a Storm Water Utility Feasibility Study. Dick Newbern, City of Brunswick, was present to answer any questions from Commissioners.

Commissioner Dean made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve a letter of endorsement to Georgia DNR for the City’s application for federal funding to perform a Storm Water Utility Feasibility. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

Commissioner Dean nominated Commissioner Provenzano to serve as Chairman for the year 2014. No other nominations were received. The nomination carried 7-0-0.

Commissioner Cason nominated Commissioner Dean to serve as Vice Chairman for the year 2014. No other nominations were received. The nomination carried 7-0-0.

Chairman Provenzano assumed the chair.

Commissioner Terms

Commissioner Dean stated that currently the members appointed by the Grand Jury and the elected members serve two year terms, and would like for these terms to be extended to three (3) years to allow for more consistency on the Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dean to direct legal counsel to draft for the next meeting revisions to the local Act in support of extending the terms for the Grand Jury appointments and elected officials to three (3) years. Motion carried 7-0-0.

1. Minutes of the December 19, 2013 regular meeting
2. Minutes of the December 19, 2013 executive session

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2013 regular meeting and the December 19, 2013 executive session. Motion carried 5-0-2. (Commissioners Boland and Ford abstained)

3. Agreement for Legal Services

Mr. Donaghy stated the JWSC awarded the bid for legal services to Taylor, Odachowski, Schmidt & Crossland, LLC on December 19, 2013. The request for Proposal contained a provision to produce a contract between the JWSC and the successful bidder.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to approve the Agreement for Legal Services as presented for the initial one year term effective January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014 at a cost of ten thousand dollars per month ($10,000) for attorney fees and that the Chairman and Interim Director be authorized to execute the Agreement. Motion carried 7-0-0.


Chairman Provenzano announced that he would be making committee assignments at the next meeting and requested Commissioners email him with any assignment preferences. He stated he would be working with staff to develop some training for the new Commissioners and encouraged participation for the entire Board. Chairman Provenzano requested that all Commissioners be added to the JWSC email system.


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to close the regular meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss the employment of the Executive Director’s position and potential litigation. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Back in Session.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commission Elliott to extend an offer for the position of Executive Director to Joey S. Leverette. Motion carried 7-0-0.

There being no further business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Provenzano adjourned the meeting.