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Commission Minutes – January 21, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from January 21, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner


Thomas Boland, Chairman


Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director

Jacob Kitchens, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director

Vice-Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Perry provided the invocation, and Vice-Chairman Adams let the pledge.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.


2015 Georgia F.O.G. Alliance – Xavier Davis, Vice-President of Georgia F.O.G. Alliance.

Mr. Xavier addressed the Commission and provide a brief history of the program. The program was founded in 2001 to promote a cleaner environment of fats, oils and grease.  The model was founded in the metro Atlanta area due to finding FOG in the sanitary sewer overflows (SSO).  The GA Alliance was originally known as the GA FOG Task Force which was made up of surrounding metro Atlanta counties to put a stop to the problem and educate citizens.  The goal was to have a cleaner environment.  In 2012 the FOG Program of the Year began.  Mr. Xavier stated on behalf of the GA FOG Alliance, we are happy to present to the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission the Program of the Year in the category of 251-500 interceptors for 2015 year. Mark Ryals called upon the employees Angela Walker, Eli Jones, and Lakeyshia Jones to accept the award for their hard work.  Angela stated appreciation to the team for Eli and Lakeyshia for their hard work support.  Mr. Swan thanked Mr. Davis for traveling and for all of the hard work the Alliance had done and shared appreciation to the staff to hold the standards.  He continued to state the staff has turned the program around, made us user friendly, and JWSC has a solid program going forward.

Employee Recognition – Amy McKim / Steve Swan

Mr. Swan stated the Georgia state Board of Examiners for Certification recognizes Gregory Eugene Sellers for obtaining his Wastewater Operator Class License. Mr. Swan explained that Mark Ryals and Alvin Hall recognized the need for certified operators and has worked hard to get everyone certified and comply with the State of Georgia.

Mr. Swan updated the commissioners and citizens that Jacob Kitchens from our Legal staff at Hall, Booth, & Smith is present for Charles Dorminy and Julie Eddins, also from Hall, Booth & Smith, is here to provide an update on the property transfers.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion second by Commissioner Bowen to excuse Commissioner Boland from the Commission Meeting today. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Boland was absent).


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Ford

There was nothing new to report at this time

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report at this time

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing new to report at this time

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

John Donaghy updated the Commissioners on the Balance Sheet YTD and the Commissioners Report. Discussion included Capital Assets, Current Liabilities and additional items included in the Finance meeting.  The Building Fund Balance was also discussed – after balances are paid the remaining balance should be 730k and request has been made to pay towards the Canal Crossing projects.  Expenditures for the lot on Gloucester was also discussed.  The item Equipment Parts and Supplies are listed as a negative total for 2015 were explained. Also discussed were Financial Analyst Position, Financial Policy Status, and update on Contract Renewals.  The Building Construction funds were discussed with an excess amount.  It was recommended to use remaining funds for Canal Crossing improvements.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

Commissioner Cason discussed the agenda items from the last meeting which included GMA update, Entry level job positions, Troy University Agreement, and Deputy Director.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

Jacob Kitchen provided an update on the Legislation package and noted the Eminent Domain was removed

Commissioner Elliot made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to move items #3 SPLOST 5 and item #5 Group Health & Life Insurance from Approval to Discussion. Motion approved 6-0-1 (Chairman Boland was absent for the vote).


Minutes from the January 7, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the January 7, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Boland was absent for the vote).

Bank Resolution and Signature Authorizations – J. Donaghy

John discussed with the Commissioners the banking accounts and signatures required by Section 10.A of the JWSC Financial Policy.  The policy requires two (2) signatures on any check issued for $25,000 or more. In the absence or either the Executive Director or the Chief Financial Officer it would be necessary to have either the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the JWSC sign checks.

Commissioner Elliott mad a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the JWSC as authorized signatories on the bank accounts of the JWSC and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer be authorized to execute the necessary banking resolutions and signature cards with BB&T Bank.

Commissioner Booker asked for clarification on approval process and there was further discussion. John explained that this process is for payments on contracts, services and other large payment necessary.

Motion carried 6-0-1 (Chairman Boland was absent for the vote).

 SR99 / US341 Water Line Improvement Loan Document Approval – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby discussed the background that JWSC counsel has collaborated with OREMC counsel and the staff to create the loan documentation to acquire funding for the SR99/US341 Sterling Industrial Park – Water Main Extension project in the amount of $750,000. The terms of the agreement allow for a zero interest loan with a 10 year payback period. Annual installments in the amount of $75,000 are required, with the first payment due 1-year after the agreement is executed.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to agree to enter into a loan agreement contract with OREMC in the amount of $750,000 for the SR99/US341 Sterling Industrial Park Water Main Extension. Motion approved 6-0-1 (Chairman Boland was absent for the vote).

2016 Legislation Package – J. Kitchens, HBS

Jacob Kitchens, Hall, Booth & Smith Attorney, provided the update and recommended motion for the Commissioners. The memorandum stated that Since June 2015, the Legislative Committee has been drafting and revising a legislative package to be proposed by the county legislative delegation to the 2016 general session of the General Assembly. The legislative package was previously approved by the JWSC on Nov. 5, 2015. Subsequently, the county legislative delegation requested minor changes to the wording of the proposed legislation. Thereafter, JWSC counsel made the requested changes. On Jan. 7, 2016, the JWSC again approved the revised legislation. Subsequently, again the county legislative delegation requested changes to the content of the proposed legislation, specifically, removing the power to exercise eminent domain. Thereafter, JWSC counsel made the requested changes. The delegation also has recommended that legislative counsel for the General Assembly prepare the Notice for the newspaper. The Legislative Committee recommends approval and has drafted so as to provide the following: terms for elected members; to provide for non-partisan election in conjunction with general primary; to provide for notices and hearings prior to any adjustment to commissioner stipend or expenses; to provide for public access to annual budget; to provide for solicitation of donations; to provide for assistance to customers in financial hardship; to provide for assistance to low-income customers; to provide for separate accounting for certain donations and expenditure of excess funds; to provide for notices and hearings prior to any adjustment in water or waste-water rates; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes. There is no mention of eminent domain. That power will remain with the County and the City.

Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen that JWSC request Jeff Jones to propose the legislative package to the General Assembly as soon as practicable during the 2016 general session. Motion approved 6-0-1 (Chairman Boland was absent for the vote).

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to reinstate the Group Health & Life Insurance for Approval. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Chairman Boland was absent for the vote).

Group Health & Like Insurance Section 5-1 – A. McKim, TSI

Amy McKim, Teamwork Services Incorporated, addressed the Commission regarding the Affordable Care Act update on Group Health & Life Insurance to update the JWSC Standards of Practice. The memorandum stated that the ACA requires employers to offer healthcare coverage within 90 days of employment to employees who work at least 30 hours per week. For administrative purposes, the waiting period for the JWSC benefit program has changed from the first of the month following 90 days of employment, to the first of the month following 60 days of employment to meet the new ACA requirements.   The JWSC Human Resources Standards of Practice needs to be updated to reflect the ACA changes.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker that JWSC acknowledge and incorporate the updated Sections 5.1 and 5.2 Group Health and Life and Flexible Benefits programs to meet the new ACA waiting period requirement of 90 days or less. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Chairman Boland was absent for the vote).


SPLOST 5 Designated Projects and Reallocation Request of WWTP Funds – S. Swan

Steve Swan stated the Master Plan will be made available in electronic form to the Commission prior to the MP meeting. Mr. Swan discussed the remaining 4 open projects from SPLOST 5 and discussed the remaining funds available. The items reviewed were Mainland Waste Water Tx Facility, Academy Creek WWTF, Unincorporated Glynn County, Alder Circle. He stated he has met with each County and City Commissioner and leaders to possible reallocation of funds.   Commissioner Bowen discussed further regarding the County’s position and asks staff to search for alternatives to spend the money. Mr. Swan discussed the three sites considered and made a note that is the Commissioner decides to buy property without the intent to use it would not look good in the eyes of the public. He continued stating JWSC has to establish the need. There was further discussion regarding the funds.

Building Fund Balance – J. Donaghy

John discussed the Building Fund Balance in the Finance Committee Update. The Construction funds were discussed as an excess amount. It was recommended to use remaining funds for Canal Crossing improvements.

Brookman Water Facility – B. Simmons / S. Swan

Mrs. Swan updated the Commissioners that the Brookman facility is up and running. Billy Simmons discussed the Brookman Water Facility stating it is still under an operating agreement with the County. Billy presented a letter from BRW Construction Group stating the work has been completed in accordance with the plans and specs and further details about the manufacturer’s warranty dates which will be running out soon. There was further discussion regarding the electrical bill still unpaid by the County. The account has since been signed over to JWSC and payments are being made.


The Master Plan will be delayed as there were some updates that 4 Waters needed to make before delivered to the Commissioners.

Mr. Swan updated the Commissioners on a press notification that was published by the County earlier in the day on road closure. He stated the notice was questionable and the wording needed correction. There is necessary work to be completed by Popco, Inc. on Sea Island Road and the county agreed that closing the road for 15 days, allowing emergency vehicles only, was the best option as apposed to partial closure and delaying the work to 30 days.

Mr. Swan updated the Commissioners on the upcoming Renewal of Health Insurance Provider. It will be provided on the February 4th meeting and will go out electronically.

The Commission Duties Tracker was discussed. It was noted that the Commission stipend is addressed in the proposed legislation and we have established a procedure to make adjustments to the stipend and financial benefits that the commission receives and this form is beneficial to the comparison to other commissions and water companies.  It was asked if the Commissioners could complete the document for 3 months to provide data on the commission time spent.



Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss potential litigation. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Chairman Boland was absent for the vote).

Back in session.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to return to the Regular Meeting. Motion approved 6-0-1 (Chairman Boland was absent for the vote).

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Vice-Chairman Adams adjourned the open meeting at 3:50 pm.