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Commission Minutes – August 18, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from August 18, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel                                             

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration & Finance                                        

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing                                          

Commissioner Boland called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge.


There being no citizens who wish to address the Commission, the Chairman closed the public comment period.

Wayne Moxley, Brunswick – Mr. Moxley represents Enclave Development Partnership and came today to say he is building a 400 unit complex and came to JWSC with questions about sewer capacity. His project escrow closes on September 20 and ground breaking is scheduled for January 1st.  The project is worth $500,000 in tap fees.  He asked who he can talk to move forward.

Chris Amos, came to discuss the same project on Glynco Parkway and would like some answers as they are to close on the project tomorrow and didn’t have any answers. How is the new additional capacity going to be allocated?  Will it be tied in to existing developments?  Will new development be able to tie in?

Commissioner discussed the meeting on August 10th with the County, City and the Development Authority and he shared the large books on the Master Plan.  For the years 2009 -2012 the master plans were not addressed fully. The peaking factor was created back in 2012 and there was no technical engineering facts to back up the numbers that someone created.  Commissioner Boland appreciated the two (2) men’s comments and hoped to have answers shortly. He asked the two (2) men to stay and the answers they are looking for should be discussed during the meeting.

There being no additional citizens who wish to address the Commission, the Chairman closed the public comment period.        


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

There was nothing new to report.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

The Committee did meet and all of the information was forwarded to the commission.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

The Committee met this week and the items will be discussed on today’s agenda.

Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

There was nothing new to report.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

There was nothing new to report.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to move item #4 under approval to Executive Session and to move item #7 under approval to combine with item #5 under discussion.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to amend his motion to differ item # 4 Hawkins Island Deed until after the Executive Session. Motion approved 7-0-0.


Minutes from the August 4, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to approve the minutes from August 4, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Minutes from August 4, Executive Session Meeting

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to approve the minutes from the August 4 Executive Session Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Bank Resolution Revision – F. Wilson

Frances Wilson presented the Bank Resolution to the full Commission. It was stated that staff is requesting the approval of a new banking resolution and signature cards.  Each time an authorized individual is added or removed a new signature card and banking resolution is needed to be submitted to the bank.  Staff recommends that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Finance Committee Chairman of the JWSC be authorized signatories on the bank accounts of the JWSC and the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Finance Committee Chairman, Executive Director, and Chief Financial Officer be authorized to execute the necessary banking resolution and signature cards with BB&T Bank.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason that the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Finance Committee Chairman of the JWSC be authorized signatories on the bank accounts of the JWSC and the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Finance Committee Chairman, Executive Director, and Chief Financial Officer be authorized to execute the necessary banking resolution and signature cards with BB&T Bank.

Commissioner Booker inquired as to who signs the checks currently. Frances stated that we are adding the Executive Director and normally checks under $25,000 requires 1 signature which could be primarily the Chief Financial Officer.  Anything about $25,000 requires 2 signatures and any of those listed can sign in the absence of the Chief Financial Officer or Executive Director.  It was further discussed that large expenditure items would go before the full commission and the check signing is the last step in a process in which the commissioners and/or the Executive Director would already be aware of.  It was noted that an item will be coming to the Human Resources Committee on Policy where the Executive Director can not bind the Commission to a contract in writing or orally without placing before the full Commission.

Motion approved 7-0-0.

Hawkins Island Deed – Comm. Boland

This item was motioned to be differed until after the Executive Session.

Public Information Officer – Comm. Elliott

Commissioner Elliott presented the Public Information Officer to the full Commission. It was noted that there is a need for a focal point and a contact person for several important areas.  One area in particular is public information and how it is handled.  A public Information Officer would handle the following areas: relationship with the media, provide public education, manage the JWSC website, receive and process open records requests, and handle legislation matters.  This was presented before the Finance Committee for review and approval on 8/16 and it was confirmed that funds are available for this position.  The Executive Director would work with Teamworks Services, Inc. to develop the job description, pay scale, and requirements to perform the function of a Public Information Officer and bring before the Human Resources Committee on September 1st and before the Full Commission on the same date. This position could help deal with customer relation issues, which is currently under the Finance Department.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded Commissioner Cason to authorize the Executive Director to develop the position of a Public Information Officer and present to the Human Resources to approve the job description and the position. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Amendment of CIF Language – Comm. Elliott

Commissioner Elliott updated the Commission that the BGJWSC adopted a rate Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 at its Meeting on June 16, 2016. Amendments to Section IV, (e) and (f) were made on July 7, 2016.  A further amendment is required to Section IV (e).  It is currently written as: Capital improvement fees must be paid prior to, or concurrent with, the JWSC’s approval of construction plans for the capacity required.  The required capacity will be reserved for that property.  Staff proposes that it be written as: Capital improvement fees shall be paid concurrent with, the JWSC’s approval of construction plans for the capacity required.  The required capacity will then be reserved for that property.  The reason for this change is such that capital tap fees will be paid after the planning and construction approves the construction plans.   The person will then go pay the tap fees.  Right now as it is written it is not clear how that function will work.  The term ‘shall’ is used instead of the word ‘must’.  Commissioner Boland restated that at the point the construction plans are approved by JWSC and the tap fee is paid this will guarantee to capacity.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to accept the second amendment to Section IV of the Rate Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Motion approved 7-0-0.

N. Mainland Additional Tap – T. Kline

Moved to discussion to be combined with item #5.

PS 2032 Pipe Pre-Purchase – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented to the Commissioners te PS2032 Pipe Pre-Purchase for approval. This item was brought before the Finance and Facilities Committees’.  She stated that the project 2032 on SSI will require the pre-purchase of pipe in order to keep the contractor on target and on timeline.  The project design calls for approximately 12,000 feet of pipe to be required for this project.  If left up to the contractor of this project to order could take up to 8 weeks and could delay the project through and past the holiday season.  The contract would be awarded in early December.  What staff is asking for today is to seek formal quotes for the purchase of the 16” HDPE pipe for further review and approval.  Staff will also work with legal counsel to craft contract language to support contractor installation of the 16” HDPE pipe that would maintain all warranties and claims on the work performed.   The main reason JWSC is asking for the request is help accelerate the timeline and ultimate completion of this project.  This option has been reviewed and approved by both Finance and Facilities Committees at the respective meeting held on 8/16/16.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry that we approve the pre-purchase of 16” HDPE Pipe for the PS2032 Force Main Project.

It was stated that this is the main way to try to stay on schedule in getting 2032 fixed. Currently as the engineering designs stands it is a 6 month construction window.  If we waited this would push JWSC into July or maybe even August.  Pam concluded that these are estimates for today and the plan is to pursue and return back with final numbers which they do vary.   The suppliers were noted as producing domestic products S. Carolina and Kentucky.

Motion approved 7-0-0.

Lift Station Bypass Pump – K. Young

Kirk Young presented the approval of Bypass Pump rental and purchase. He began by updating the commission on the project currently under way.  It includes multiple projects and initiative that are underway to address the limitations on sewer capacity in the SSI 2032 basin and North Mainland basin.  The memorandum stated that on 8/4/16 the JWSC Commission approved a Basin Assessment project for the North Mainland basin with the engineering firm of Hussey Gay Bell. The assessment will include an existing data review, field confirmation, modeling and technical memo which will provide findings, rank alternatives and provide recommendations both short and long term to address ewer capacity deficiencies in this basin.  The engineering phase of the 2032 basin Force Main upgrade is due to be completed in early October with construction anticipated to start in January of 2017. There have been multiple stakeholder meetings to discuss with Glynn County, Sea Palms staff, and 4 Waters Engineering firm.  There is a public meeting scheduled to present the 30% design concept planned for the first week of September.  The Joint Water and Sewer Commission approved a $1M line item allocation during the FY2017 budget process to provide a means to address these critical repair needs within the sewer transmission system.  An option to install permanent backup pumps at lift stations with identified capacities over target limits is currently underway. Xylem and Godwin pumps were selected as the sole source supplier for lift station pumps in 2014.  JWSC staff has met with Xylem and Godwin representatives twice in the past week to address this need.  Staff recommends a two-pronged approach to address the bypass requirements necessary to facilitate immediate and longer term capacity relief in the 2032 and North Mainland basins.  In order to properly determine that bypass pumping requirements are specified correctly a significant amount of analysis is necessary.  The JWSC staff has consulted with Xylem and the initial plan of action is outlined below for JWSC Commissions consideration: Short-Term Contingency Plan-JWSC to provide for (2) Rental Pumps from Xylem/Godwin-approximately $15K per month, up to (12) weeks, not to exceed $100K.  These pumps will be returned once purchased pumps are installed. Long-Term Plan-Approve purchase of permanent pumps for (6) Mainland and (4) SSI lift stations at tan estimated cost of $1.25M.  JWSC and Hussey Gay Bell are currently engaged in an overall North Mainland (NM)Basin Assessment Project of which this is a vital component.  Continued assessment and determination is being done by both JWSC and HGB to determine the sizing and location for the following lift stations: NM basins; 4005, 4039, 4048, 4110, 4105, and 4107.  The SSI basins include; 2032, 2001, 2002, and 2003.  This approach has been reviewed and approved by the Finance and Facilities Committee.  The estimated cost was included and discussed.  Estimated duty point was noted to be based on the Master Plan calculations and our needs for pumping.  The staff is looking to push beyond capacity and open up about 200 REU’s.  The testing and calculating will need to be done on all basins.  Some of the transmission lines could be attributing to the capacity problems.   Pumps will be added to basins 4105 and 4107 as they are under capacity and growth potential.  These two were part of the list and  are still needing to be reviewed and are located near exit 38.  These pumps can be used as backup pumps and contribute to your flow data once the permanent fix is completed.  It was stated that I&I take away from capacity.   Removable manholes and fines were discussed.  Pump station 4108 will be part of the reverse or redirect project and provide relief off of 4039.  Hussey Gay Bell is looking at condition of line and will provide a report and have been given 90 days.  The pumps could be available in 12 – 14 weeks which is an adaptation that could correct some of our problems.  Many of these problems were pointed out in the 2009 Master Plan but never got addressed.  Kirk stated that the main area that was studied hard was PS2032.  We have a solution and for that area and now there are others that are being addressed.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to provide authorization for the short-term contingency plan and rent 2 pumps from Xylem/Godwin for approx.. $15K per month, up to (12) weeks, not to exceed $100K. these pumps will be returned once purchased pumps are installed.

AND approve the long-term plan to purchase permanent pumps for 6) Mainland and (4) SSI lift stations at an estimated cost of$1.25M. JWSC staff and HGB are currently engaged in an overall N. Mainland basin assessment project of which this is a vital component.  The next update meeting for this project is scheduled for August 22, 2016 also that the Executive Director respond to the Wayne Moxley business by close of business/4:30 on Friday.

Commissioner Elliott explained that JWSC can not assume your business risk.

Motion approved 7-0-0.


Financial Report – June End of Month – F. Wilson

Frances presented to the Commission the Financial Statement ending June 30,2016. They were reminded that the numbers will change as the Finance Department is in the middle of an audit.  Frances provided the reserve accounts which includes the operating, the capital reserve, expansion, Restore and Repair, and capital tap fee reserves.  Also a listing of and encumbrances was pointed out which included the 1.5 capital assets on vehicles and equipment.  The totals for the projects and capital purchases were discussed.  The condensed summary of revenue and expenses were discussed and noted that it is a comparative statement.  The projected revenues were $26,305,950 and the actual was 24,627,002.  It was noted that Administration portion includes all of the department in the Admin building and is; Office of Director, Finance, Planning and Construction, and Purchasing.   Various items and their costs were detailed out and explained that the flow meters are part of the EPD consent order. The sludge dryer was a big expense.  Bio-solids disposal was explained that the cost was $653,000 due to the dryer being down periodically.  Frances stated JWSC is currently under budget by $552,443.00 and may change but not much.  The last document was the detailed report and shares the history, year to date budget and expenses for the year.

RFP Financial Service Update – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the Commissioners on the RFP Financial Services. This Monday a pre-proposal conference was held and there were 23 participants from 14 different firms.  Questions were answered and discussed.  The selection committee has been selected from the Financial Department and will review the bids on September 8th.  The plan is to bring that recommendation before the commission on the October 6th meeting.

Impact Bond Defeasance – Comm. Elliott

Commissioner Elliott addressed the Commission to help them understand the Bond Defeasance. Defeasance, as suggested by some in the community, really doesn’t help JWSC that much.  There is the thought that if we go in and restructure our bonds it will reduce our interest rate, the cash will be available to us.  The best way to handle a defeasance is to work, it as best possible, to offset the rate increase that is going to happen in operational portion of the bill against the reduction in the amount they are paying for the debt service charge.

Peaking Factors – T. Kline / H. Patel

Todd Kline presented the peaking factors and how they are calculated and assessed with regard to capacity. An equation and method used in designing for anticipate average of peek flows and method used to plan for existing and ultimate conditions must be established.  Per EPD JWSC must use industry standard practices as the benchmark for acceptance.  The regulatory measurement includes the EPD which regulates the JWSC on Operational & Design standards.  The document we are held to is the EPD Guidelines for Sewage Collection System (2010).  In this Design Document it is stated that the sewer must be designed in accordance with acceptable provisions of recognized design references in general use.  The EPD cited design references are 10-State Standards, ASCE Manuals, EPA Publications, etc.  JWSC does recognize the 10-State Standards as well as other communities and utilities like Savannah, Macon, JEA (Jacksonville).  Todd discussed the development of anticipated flow-hydraulic capacity. The Average Daily Flow (ADF) was stated as how much water the system is expected to see on an average day.  In absence of sufficient empirical (measured) data, industry standards are used.  The best policy is noted as “Projections shall be made from the actual flow data to the extent possible.”  Historical/measured flow data is preferred; used to develop actual flow characteristics.  The peaking factor was explained as an industry standard multiplier used to incorporate a factor of safety when designing wastewater collection and treatment systems.  It is also used to design unforeseen flows, sustained wet weather flow/storm events, etc.  There are several methods used to develop: Fair-Geyer (10-State Standards) JWSC Master Plan; Babbitt Equation (ASCE); and Design example using both methods.  The JWSC master Plan was presented on March 2015(ATM/4 Waters Engineering); updated 2009 Master Plan (ATM).  The Master Plan was adopted by the JWSC Commission Board as the guiding document for system health and planning.  The engineers did not rely on assumed per capita usage, utilized a developed usage from population and measured flow.  The population data is provided by Glynn County form the Brunswick Area Transportation Study (BATS).  The BATS established specific Traffic Area Zone (TAZs) throughout the whole county.  Flow Data was utilized measured from flow data. Per Capita Usage was derived from the total influent at the WWTP under dry weather.   Additional area was discussed under individual sewer flow development.  The JWSC Sewer Design Standards were discussed and the latest revision was 2012.  Sections 3.2.2 Gravity Sewer Systems and Section 4.2.2 Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations and Forcemains were discussed as not having backup documents to reference.  It was noted that there was a contradiction in design standards and a revision is recommended.   The last pump station design approved by the JWSC use a peaking factor of 4.0 on Canal Crossing.   Staff recommends the JWSC Standards for Water & Sewer Design and Construction be updated for consistency with accepted industry design standards and the Master Plan 2015.  Staff also recommends that the design standards continue to be verified and adjusted accordingly through the use of actual measured flow data.  The actual calculation of peaking factor was explained in detail by Harry Patel.  Fair-Geyer and Babbitt Equation calculations were practiced.  It was stated that staff took each basin and developed its own peaking factor based on population.

Allocation of Capacity Additions – J. Junkin

Executive Director presented the Allocation of Capacity. With the changes and measures that are being made to add capacity there is a need to be fair and prevent one entity to gather all of the available taps.  There will be a public meeting to be held Tuesday, August 30th.  The general outline is to make sure tap fees are sold to builders who are truly ready to commence construction.  It is intended to prevent entities for gathering them and just sitting on them.  There have been many tap fees that have been sold where no construction has begun.  The policy outline was presented and explained what is required and included a 30 day condition to begin construction.  It was noted that those who are in immediate need for tap-ins, like Mr. Moxley presented, could possibly obtain those taps.  It was noted that the Executive Director would be happy to meet with individuals separately to discuss needs for tap ins.

Commissioner Cason stated that much is happening and unfolded before us. The JWSC is taking every measures that we can to facilitate the needs of this community.  He mentioned his concern of the force being placed on Dunbar Creek and Academy Creek that we know have deficiencies.

Chairman Boland asked the public to get behind the SPLOST as it will help to take care of fixing a lot of N. Mainland Issues. There is also money set aside by the County for a WWT facility that will not happen and asks that the money can be used to fix Academy Creek.

Commissioner Elliott proposed/made a motion that JWSC send a letter to the county on the SPLOST that states the valid initiative on the SPLOST needs to clearly state that we have the option to use the SPLOST dollars, should it pass, to repay debt that we are going to have to assume to correct these issues.

Commissioner Elliott explained that the as SPLOST works out it won’t be passed until November 2016 which means the flows won’t start until sometime 2017 and useable dollars won’t be available to us until 2019. Once it passes, assuming that is does, we can borrow money to perform the work required in a much quicker fashion.  We can use the SPLOST dollars to repay the principle and the interest in the debt service charge.

Seconded by Commissioner Adams. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Commissioner Perry wanted to take the time to say thank you to Chairman Boland and Commissioner Elliott for the time they have put in while filing the position and have both done a tremendous job. We really appreciate it.  All those present agreed with gratitude and acclamation.



Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to adjourn into Executive Session for Potential Litigation and a Property Contract Issue. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Executive Session ended

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to adjourn the Executive Session and return to the regular meeting. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to authorize Commissioner Ronnie Perry to conduct negotiations for the purchase of the suggested property. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen that the discussion item of Hawkins Island be deferred. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Motion approved 7-0-0.

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 5:02 pm.