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Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 15, 2018

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.

Commission Meeting Minutes 11-15-18 with Attachments 2

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 2:00 PM



Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

Mike Browning, Vice-Chairman

Cornell Harvey, Commissioner

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Steve Copeland, Commissioner

Tripp Stephens, Commissioner

Ben Turnipseed, Sr. Commissioner

 ALSO PRESENT:                 

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS

Andrew Burroughs, Deputy Executive Director

Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

 John D. Donaghy, Director of Finance

 Jay Sellers, Director of Administration

Mark Ryals, Superintendent

Cindy Barnhart, Teamwork Services, Inc.

Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator

 MEDIA PRESENT:               

Taylor Cooper, The Brunswick News

Pamela Permar Shierling, The Islander

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.

Commissioner Turnipseed provided the invocation and Chairman Elliott led the pledge.


Chairman Elliott opened the public comment period.

There being no citizens for public comment, Chairman Elliott closed the public comment period.


  1. Minutes from the November 1, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to approve the minutes from the November 1, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Stephens abstained from the vote.)

2. Minutes from the November 1, 2018 Executive Session

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to approve the minutes from the November 1, 2018 Executive Session.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Stephens abstained from the vote.)

  1. Pump Station 4021 Upgrades – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the recommendation to approve the proposed upgrade of Pump Station 4021 to accommodate current and future demand.  He provided a detailed reference map of the physical location of PS4021, the area it serves, and the upstream basins feeding into PS4021. Mr. Kline advised that this pump station serves a large area of the JWSC North Mainland system and is designated as over the original designed capacity.  The proposal as staff recommended is to upgrade the 20 h.p. pump to a 30 h.p. pump and to upsize 50 l.f. of force main from 8” diameter to 18” diameter providing an additional 1,400 REU capacity which will allow connection of existing platted lots and proposed commercial development in the PS4021 service area.  The engineering design will be completed by JWSC in-house incurring an approximate savings of $25,000.00 over contracted cost for engineering services. The proposed upgrades are estimated to be a construction cost of $264,960.00 of which staff recommends contracting out rather than performing the construction in-house.  Mr. Kline advised that the optimal upgrade would be to relocate this pump station, however due to excessive costs to relocate, the recommendation is to upgrade the pump station in its current location.  It was advised that there is a 12 week leadtime on the purchase of the pumps, completion should be soon thereafter.  JWSC will purchase the pumps to expedite the leadtime and to incur savings.

Commissioner Turnipseed made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to move that the JWSC Board of Commissioners designate these improvements to Basin 4021 as a Capital Improvement Project with an overall budget of $275,000.00 and authorize the Executive Director to implement as described above.  Motion Carried 7-0-0.

Chairman Elliott requested that in the future, staff include a Gantt Chart indicating estimated timelines in days along with their recommendations for proposed projects.

  1. Tabby Place Infrastructure/Easement Dedication – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the recommendation to approve the acceptance of Tabby Place Phases 2 & 3 infrastructure as public infrastructure as well as the easements.  He provided the background that Tabby Place is a single family home development located at 106 Tabby Lane on the corner of Harrington and North Harrington on the north end of St. Simons Island consisting of a total of 53 lots and developed by Owner of Record, Old Plantation Club, LLC.  Staff reports that in providing documentation, the Owner of Record recognizes and accepts responsibility for correcting all system defects that may occur or be found during the operation of the system for a period of 2 years from the written date of acceptance.  It was also noted that the subject water and sewer systems are constructed in accordance with applicable JWSC Standards and Development Procedures.  Additionally the record drawings have been submitted, all inspections have been completed, the work has been deemed compliant by JWSC operational superintendents and the project inspector. Mr. Kline also provided that the easement documents along with the required plats and legal descriptions have been prepared, executed, submitted and approved as to form by the BGJWSC Attorney.

Commissioner Turnipseed made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to move that the Brunswick Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission accept the on-site water system and on-site sewer system along with associated easements within Tabby Place Development as public infrastructure for ownership, operation and maintenance.  Motion Carried 7-0-0.

  1. Matheson Liquid Oxygen Supply – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented the recommendation to modify the existing Matheson Liquid Oxygen Supply and Vessel Lease Agreement to include the leasing of a second storage vessel for a term of either 60 or 84 months.  She advised that Matheson Gas is the current provider of liquid oxygen to support the Academy Creek WWTP treatment process.  Mrs. Crosby added that the project for rehabilitation of the liquid oxygen piping system at Academy Creek is currently out for bid, and the project is expected to begin in January of 2019.  Out of the two storage vessels now in place at Academy Creek, one is leased from Matheson.  The second vessel is owned by JWSC and has been identified as needing replacement due to its advanced state of deterioration.  Due to its condition, this tank must be replaced prior to the start of the rehabilitation of the oxygen piping system.  Staff evaluated estimated costs to purchase, install and maintain a separate storage vessel as compared to leasing from Matheson.  There were various questions from the Commissioners regarding the possible advantages and disadvantages of JWSC leasing the second tank vessel as compared to owning it.  For JWSC to own the second tank, it would require contracting with a specialized vendor for the maintenance and inspection of that storage tank. After additional questions and discussion on the subject, a motion was made.

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to defer item #5 until the next Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

JWSC staff was requested to provide a business case comparison of the cost of purchasing a storage tank vessel to the cost of leasing and to also provide information pertaining to the maintenance/repair history of the JWSC tanks in previous years.  This information is to be provided to the Commissioners for their review one week prior to the next Commission Meeting on December 6th. 


  1. Wastewater Treatment Plant Flows Update – M. Ryals

Mark Ryals presented the Wastewater Treatment Plant Flows Update for the month ending October 31, 2018 to the Commission.  He first provided commentary regarding the flows from Pinova.  Mr. Ryals reviewed and discussed the various influent and effluent flows and levels for Academy Creek, Dunbar, and Southport Wastewater Treatment Plants.  The Commissioners asked a variety of questions of which Mr. Ryals responded to and gave additional explanations for clarification.

 2.  Strategic Business Plan – J. Junkin

Mr. Junkin presented the 2019 Strategic Business Plan to the Commission.  With various utilities in this industry all having similar issues, he and senior staff looked at the industry standard for Strategic Business Plan development as a source for reference.  Mr. Junkin further noted that AWWA and WEF, the two major trade organizations in the Water & Wastewater Industry pooled their resources several years back and developed the Ten Attributes of Effective Utility Management.  From that work the Effective Utility Management Cycle was also developed.  The five components of this cycle are:  Self-Assessment, Strategic Business Planning, Implementation of Effective Practices, Measurement, and Reflect and Adjust.  Mr. Junkin then reviewed the processes he and senior staff went through and details of each in preparation of the Strategic Business Plan.

  1. Round-Up Program Update – C. Dorminy

Charlie Dorminy presented the update on the Payment Assistance Program, also referred to as the Round-Up Program.  He recalled the purpose of this program and explained the background for the Commissioners.  A draft of the contract that will govern this payment assistance program has been forwarded to counsel for the selected company to review, and it is expected that the final revision should be ready by the December 6th Commission Meeting.

  1. Hazard Duty Pay – T. Stephens

Tripp Stephens advised that he visited a site recently where crews were performing emergency work on a force main break. He noted that the JWSC staff was actually working waist deep in the sewage.  Commissioner Stephens believes it should be considered to provide some extra pay or incentive to those crew members who occasionally are required in certain situations to go extremely above and beyond the normal or typical duties of their daily job.  Mr. Junkin will research this matter of possible incentives for these occasional extreme working situations and conditions for future discussion.

  1. October 2018 Month End Financial Statement – J. Donaghy

John Donaghy presented the discussion on the October 2018 Month End Financial Statement.  First he reviewed the Balance Sheet and noted the cash and cash equivalents accounts and noted the revenues are running ahead of budget and the expenditures are running behind the YTD budget.  He provided the details as to these balances and explained why it appears there is excess cash in reserve.  After Mr. Donaghy responded to and discussed the Commissioners’ questions with them, he further commented on and explained various sections of the Combined Revenue Statement, Supplemental Schedule of Cash Balances, Project Report, and the Overtime Report.


Mr. Junkin had no further update at this time.


There was no update at this time from the Chairman.


Chairman Elliott advised that there would be an Executive Session to discuss Property with a potential vote to be taken.

Commissioner Copeland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss Property.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

Return to Regular Session

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adjourn from Executive Session.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

Chairman Elliott requested a motion.

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Adams to accept the staff and attorney’s recommendations on land and authorize the Chairman to sign any paperwork as necessary.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m.