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Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 6, 2020

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.

Commission Meeting Minutes with Attachments 2-6-20

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 2:00 PM 



G. Ben Turnipseed, Chairman

Bob Duncan, Vice-Chairman

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Tripp Stephens, Commissioner

Wayne Neal, Commissioner

Cornell L. Harvey, Commissioner                            

 ALSO PRESENT:                 

Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS

Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

 John Donaghy, Director of Finance

 LaDonnah Roberts, Senior Financial Analyst

Jay Sellers, Director of Administration

Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator


Steve Copeland, Commissioner

 MEDIA PRESENT:               

Pamela Permar-Shierling, The Islander

Taylor Cooper, The Brunswick News

Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.

Commissioner Neal provided the invocation and Commissioner Stephens led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chairman Turnipseed opened the public comment period.

Lawton Teston, Water Quality

Mr. Teston spoke to the Commissioners regarding concerns about the condition of the water in his neighborhood, Shell Point, on Harry Driggers Boulevard.  The water has a dark color to it appearing to have some black sud in it.  Neighbors are also having the same concerns with the water quality in that area.  Mr. Teston has had to replace his kitchen faucet twice, shower heads twice, the bathtub, and has drained the hot water heater as well.  Chairman Turnipseed assured Mr. Teston that the water quality does meet the required state standards, but this will be checked on and he thanked Mr. Teston.

There being no additional citizens for public comment, Chairman Turnipseed closed the public comment period.


Communications Committee –

Committee Chairman – Commissioner Stephens

Additional Members – Commissioner Duncan and Commissioner Harvey

 Economic Development Committee –

Committee Chairman – Commissioner Duncan

Additional Members – Commissioner Neal and Commissioner Harvey

 Facilities Committee

Committee Chairman – Chairman Turnipseed

Additional Members – Commissioner Duncan and Commissioner Copeland

Finance Committee

Committee Chairman – Commissioner Duncan

Additional Members – Commissioner Elliott and Commissioner Stephens

Human Resources

Committee Chairman – Commissioner Elliott

Additional Members – Commissioner Harvey and Commissioner Neal

 Legislative Committee –

Committee Chairman – Commissioner Harvey

Additional Members – Commissioner Neal and Commissioner Duncan

 Emergency Preparedness Committee –

Committee Chairman – Commissioner Stephens

Additional Members – Commissioner Neal and Commissioner Harvey

Agendas and supporting documents for all Committee and Commission Meetings will be forwarded to all Commissioners.  All Commissioners are invited to attend all of the meetings.


  1. Minutes from the January 16, 2020 Regular Commission Meeting

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve the minutes from the January 16, 2020 Regular Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.) 

Chairman Turnipseed requested to excuse Commissioner Copeland due to his being out of town.

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to excuse Commissioner Copeland from the meeting.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.) 

  1. Minutes from the January 16, 2020 Executive Session

Commissioner Neal made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to approve the minutes from the January 16, 2020 Executive Session.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

  1. Academy Creek Operations Building Roof Contract Award – P. Crosby

Pamela Crosby presented the recommendation for the Academy Creek Operations Building Roof Contract Award.  She recalled for the Commissioners that the budget allotment of $300,000.00 for the replacement of the roof had been approved earlier in 2019 by the Finance and Facilities Committees as well as the Commission.  The Invitation for Bid was placed after the storm season had passed; the pre-bid meeting in November had eight firms in attendance; and four formal bids were received.  All of the information on the bidders and the amounts they bid were provided, with Roofing Professionals, Inc. being the lowest bidder at $256,160.00.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission approve the contract between BGJWSC and Roofing Professionals, Inc. in the amount of $256,160.00 for the Academy Creek Roof Replacement.

The significant difference in the bids was questioned, and Mrs. Crosby provided the details of the bids as well as information relating to Roofing Professionals, Inc., and their previous experience.  Commissioner Stephens suggested that JWSC check with Georgia Power for possible discounts based on the materials and ratings of the proposed roof replacement.

Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

  1. Leak Adjustments Approval – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs provided that the Glynn County Ordinance requires that all leak adjustments totaling $2,000 or more to be presented to the Commission for approval.  There were two leak adjustments, one for Beachview Tent Rentals in the amount of $8,083.46, and the second for Robert Bennet in the amount of $2,370.12.  Staff reviewed both requests and found them to be in accordance with ordinance and policy, provided the supporting documents, and recommended approving both leak adjustments.

Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission approve leak adjustments in the amount of $8,083.46 to the account of Beachview Tent Rentals and $2,370.12 to the account of Robert Bennett.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

  1. MOU with County for East Beach/Demere Roundabout – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs provided that the East Beach – Demere Roundabout Project is a Glynn County SPLOST Project to do the roundabout at the intersection of East Beach Causeway and Demere Road.  At a previous meeting the JWSC Commission had allocated $100,000.00 for the requested sewer improvements.  There are some relocation costs associated with this Project for water and sewer that Glynn County is covering, however JWSC did request a few improvements including a HDPE manhole with a combined force main, and the demolition of an existing sewer vault.  After Glynn County reviewing the bids, the apparent low bidder was Riverstone Construction of Jacksonville, and the line items requested by JWSC came in at $118,019.90.  Staff has reviewed this to be reasonable and acceptable.  Since Glynn County is managing this Project, a memorandum of Understanding is necessary between Glynn County and JWSC where JWSC agrees to a maximum reimbursement amount of $118,019.90 for the 5 specific line items requested.  This MOU is on the agenda for the Glynn County Commission later in the same evening.


Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to move that the Brunswick Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Glynn County for JWSC-requested water and sewer improvements associated with the East Beach Causeway and Demere Road Roundabout project with a not to exceed amount of $118,019.90.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)


  1. Meter RFP Update – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs advised that proposals were received from seven firms from the Meter RFP.  Six of those firms will be interviewed, with the seventh firm not being interviewed due to an incomplete proposal.  The interviews are scheduled for the following week and expected to last an hour and a half each.  There is a five person evaluation team from JWSC staff members, with additional follow-up research done by the team after the interviews are completed.  The final recommendation is expected to be ready to present to the Facilities Committee in March.

  1. GEFA Loan Update – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs provided that the Glynn County Commission has approved the Environmental Services Agreement for the GEFA Loan, and this item should be on the City’s agenda for approval soon.  There are some last minute comments being finalized with the Historical Commission.  It is hopeful that this process should be completed with the next couple of weeks.


Mr. Burroughs updated the Commission that the Pump Station 4021 Project Pre-bid meeting was held the prior week with several firms in attendance.  The bids are due back at the end of February.  The North Mainland SPLOST Project is currently out for bid.  There are two phases of this Project, one being pump station rehab and the second being the force main down Harry Driggers Blvd.  Employee Health Benefit Enrollment meetings began on this day and will be completed by the following day to meet the March 1st deadline.  The first draft of the 2021 budget is due from the superintendents on next Friday.  From the Customer Service side, online digital forms are now available where customers can request to start and/or stop services online.

A gentleman in the audience stood up and the Chairman allowed him to speak.  He stated his name is David Warren and is interested in the property for sale at 2307 Gloucester Street.  He would like to make an offer, however does not have funding immediately available to make an offer with, and doesn’t expect to have all funding available until sometime in March.  The chairman advised him that he would need to address this with either the Executive Director or the JWSC Legal Counsel, and noted appreciation for him coming by. 


Chairman Turnipseed provided that they had a very good retreat on the previous day.  The Executive Director gave a very good presentation on goals for this year and a five to six year construction program.   All of the Commissioners provided some very good input.  The Chairman noted he looked forward to working with everyone during this year with hopes of an even better year than last year.


The Chairman requested a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss Property and Litigation with a vote to be taken.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to enter into Executive Session to discuss Property and Litigation with a vote to be taken.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

Return to Regular Session.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to return to Regular Session.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to amend the agenda and add Approval Item #6 for consideration of a sales contract for property.  Motion carried 6-0-1. (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to consider an offer to purchase the property at 2307 Gloucester Street in Brunswick, and accept that offer made by H. Bradford Piazza in the amount of $400,000.00 as presented.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 2:54 p.m.